From Charlene Smith To debate SA discussion…

From: Charlene Smith
To: “debate: SA discussion list”
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 08:01:17 +0200

Progressive attitudes from Nigeria, did not notice any of the same positive attitudes or support from any SA organisations. CS

—– Original Message —–
From: “Patrick Ogbogu”
To: “Nigeria-AIDS eForum”
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 8:35 PM
Subject: [eforum] Celebrating International Sex Workers Day

March 3: International Sex Workers Day

Dear All,

On the occasion of International Sex Workers Rights Day, the Nigeria Network of Sex Work projects invites all of you to celebrate this day with us.

The theme for this year is `Rehabilitation is Redundant, Recognise Rights’.

We invite you to light a candle wherever you are to show solidarity to the struggle of sex workers to be human.

In Solidarity,

Irene Patrick-Ogbogu
Head of Programs
Women’s Health, Education and Development (WHED)
Plot 288 Lagos Street
Off Samuel Ladoke Akintola Blvd
Garki II, Abuja, Nigeria

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4 responses to “From Charlene Smith To debate SA discussion…”

  1. HappyCow

    I missed this post completely. I like their alliterated theme. What exactly do they mean by sex workers I guess?

    And I was calculating years (since you said you visited Cerritos summer of 2001 and that was my junior year in high school), and I am thinking you are a senior in College? Why did I think you were a grad student?

    And when did you come to America?

  2. by calling it sex workers and not prostitutes, i think the organizers are trying to separate the social/moral conceptions of society (e.g. “decent” men) from their professional work, as labor. so they have rights as any other blue collar (white collar?) worker, can form unions, etc. (as opposed to “cheap women who sell sex” or whatever preconceptions may be in the air) also, by calling them “workers” and not “merchants”, you make the women’s sexual organs part of their bodies and not a product/object.

    i’m just speculating here based on what i read in back in (january, i think?) about the southern korean women’s ministry taking a leadership role in passing the legislation in congress that prohibits paid sexual services and related work (유사 성행위, such as aided masturbation, oral sex, and so forth) – it was big deal back then (i guess it’s still a big deal?)

    my parents are presbyterian missionaries, we came to chile in 1990 and i applied for colleges in the u.s. from chile, so i came to the u.s. in june 2001. yeah, i’m a senior graduating this may. no, not going to grad school, my gpa is really low

  3. 베자스

    – 영어때문에 링크된 곳을 잘 살펴보지 못했는데 ‘JAAIDS는 성매매에 대해 특정 입장이 있는 건 아니고 에이즈감소가 목적인 단체, WHED는 성매매여성 경제 지원, 교육, 상담 등으로 에이즈 감소에 노력하는 단체라서 서로 잘 지내는 사이’라고 하면 맞는 건가요? 아니면 서로 의견이 완전히 다른 곳인가요?
    – Rehabilitation is Redundant 해석: ‘사회복귀는 실업이다.’라는 뜻이죠?

  4. 전혀 모르겠습니다, JAAIDS 와 WHED는. Rehabilitation is redundant 는 재활은 불필요하다 입니다. 매춘을 “문제”로 생각치 말고 그들의 생활수준을 올려줄 고민을 하라, 라는 모토인 것 같습니다.

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