Category: english

  • Dreaming krc

    Click here to download:

    0_audioFile.3gpp (160 KB)

  • Windows 7 and Ubuntu on HP Firebird 802

    2009-12-24 21.02.25

    Overall, setting up a Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux dual boot on the HP Firebird with VoodooDNA 802 was a breeze.

    Some observations about this desktop:

    • So QUIET! It ranges from 10 dB (extremely quiet) to 30 dB (quiet room – my EeePc 901’s fan are this quiet), and you can sleep with it on. The internal HDD does not make any noise.
    • Surprisingly, the bundled mouse and keyboard’s USB receiver seems to work natively with the computer, regardless of whether it’s the command prompt, Linux, or whatever. Nice.
    • When I saw the 2.5 dual HDD were 5400 RPM I thought of getting an Intel 25M 80G SSD but so far it runs pretty well and SSDs may see drastic price drops over the next few years so I’m postponing that a year or two.


  • one thing from the @SimonEdhouse incident http bit…

    one thing from the @SimonEdhouse incident is that geeks don’t like PR people. how twitter (it’s overcrowded with IT and PR people) didn’t become a battlefield given this is a mystery.

  • today’s #nptech #quote dreamweaver and drupal is what…

    d0012541_05040321today’s #nptech #quote:

    dreamweaver and drupal is what people use most these days to make websites. drupal is like wordpress, and dreamweaver is much more html code oriented


  • quick usability comparisons after switching from the sprint htc hero to the droid

    should you switch from hero to droid? yes. some quick usability comparisons after switching from the sprint htc hero to the droid:

    where droid’s better (be it the hardware or eclair – i can’t tell)

    • finally, a respectable response speed. (see “hero sucks” below)
    • on a related note – no longer scared of opening full webpages like techcrunch – browser won’t freeze/crawl
    • when wifi is available, it turns off the 3g to switch to something that looks like edge to save batteries.. or maybe it just disconnects data altogether?
    • multiple gmail contacts sync (calendar sync is with only one)
    • unified multiple imap/exchange inbox
    • seems to have a stronger bluetooth receptivity, because with hero, when i placed the phone on the left hand side of my body (i’m left handed, so that’s a better position while i bike) while listening to music, i used to get frequent interruptions and i thought it was the headset’s (blueant x5) fault. turns out i no longer have this issue with the droid.
    • contacts app includes a “join duplicate contacts” feature
    • i am not 100% sure but it seems the design is ambidexterous compatible! i have been instinctively using this with my left hand. (i’m left handed)

    where droid sucks

    • non-standard microUSB/charging port. (hero has a standard microusb) moto why did you have to do this to me.. :/
    • the button placement still leads to hitting the wrong ones at the wrong times multiple times a day
    • the tiniest possible power button – it’s hiding behind a small chin and it’s hard to press it without looking at it.
