Category: english

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    Heavy snow!
    Oh yeah. Too bad it’s only one day though. It would be cool howm any miles thick of snow are these forecaster expecting us to stumble upon tomorrow afternoon. I love cold weathers. My weekend has been a waste of time – it’s been sleeping eating and playing Civ3. Damn it’s addictive. I can’t complain about failing one class or two now. Oh mu bad.

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    What to take? I think I will drop my german course plan in lieu of more interesting classes. The german curriculum has begun to give me the impression of a technical training, and I have enough of that with the chem requirements. I might take Analytic Chemistry, Intro to Symbolic Logic, and Modern Philosophy, in that order over the MWF mornings. Now, what shall I take as the fourth?

    Classes I found compelling were stuff like Empire theory and slavery, Intro to International Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Lesbian Literature and Psychology, Researching the lives of ordinary people, Intro to Archaeology, or American Feminism, something to fill out those damned bio requirements for the chem major. Ugh. I don’t know. I will do scissors rock and paper for them and just stick with it. I don’t care. I pretend.

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    Took shower after three days. Did laundry after a week and half. Getting shaved after last morning.

  • my record since Macalester 1 hour And somehow…

    my record since Macalester. 1 hour. And somehow I woke up by magic at 6:55, just on time to go and work. It was below zero (C), I almost broke my notebook. Life is interesting.

  • last night before going to bed I realized…

    last night, before going to bed, I realized that the chem homeworks are due tormorrow wednesday, and not due friday as it used to be.
    God bless Turck 304 ext. 1!

  • My RA is writing a history mid term…

    My RA is writing a history mid-term. She’s almost done, though. So does coffee make a person look like he just woke up even when he/she pulled an allnighter? Woa.