Category: race

  • Class Notes. movements. Introduction

    class notes, Freedom Movements
    January 24, 2005

    -SNVC (?)

    • we are reading M.L.King and N.Mandela, not because they are everything that their respective movements represented, but in order to get an initial idea of what the main body of texts “representative” in public discourse of the movements is about. That way it is possible to at least talk about some”thing” when directing criticism.
    • David Garrow legal research historian.
    • Anthony Marx. political scientist trained in Amherst
    • Clay Carson. SNIC. Curator of MLK in Struggle

    Krog TRC

    Frederickson: watch for structures & ideologies

    Screening of Mapantsula
    What makes black film?

    • Spike Lee argues the screenwriter, director, actors, need to be black, etc, etc
    • Mapantsula differs

    Added today: I still don’t get the difference.
    -bg: 1985 state of emergency in SA. the figure of totsi (another word for mapantsula, or the young gangster)

    • rapid urbanization after ww2. large scale forced migration of a male workforce. black worker towns. prime example: Soweto.

    -hustler, mapantsula outside the cities or the SA version of “ghettoes”
    -regarding the social formation of totsis: greater exposure to american-led mass culture -> the big trend of the times was the detectivesque film noir -> young people identify with it to express their anger
    -what goes on today is a different matter, where young people of color have started killing other people of color. some social scientists trace the roots back to the 1950’s totsis, whereas the two phenomena deserve differential treatment.
    -theoretical framework: infrapolitics. (Will Seidt, Weapons of the Weak – studies resistance in the Phillippines)

    • McDonalds, gangster realities of the 90’s: TUPAC, Dona Carey New York [I don’t get this reference] – role in american icons.
    • makers of mapantsula told distributors that they were maknig “just another gangsta movie”. when the movie was released, it was banned in south africa.

    Mapantsula notes
    knowledge -> black body

    on the syllabus
    “do the right thing” <- smiley character? malcolm & king not as opposites. instead nothing but a man. Mapantsula was filmed in 1988

  • RE: Permission to translate White Nationalism and the Multiracial Left

    From: Yongho Kim
    To: Kil-Ja Kim, Kenyon Farrow, Mellon Minority Fellows Undegraduate Fellowship at Macalester
    Date: Mon Dec 6, 2004 9:15 am
    Subject: RE: Fwd: Permission to translate White Nationalism and the Multiracial Left

    Ms. Kim and Mr. Farrow,

    thanks for letting me post your article “White Nationalism and the Multiracial Left” on the web. It’s up now at (now deleted)

    and, I’m sure you got interesting reactions back in the summer, but wanted to share responses I’ve got on the posting over there with you. I’m adding our current email communication (only this last message I’m sending out to you) to the entry so that readers a the site have an idea of what I am doing with their comments.

    Also, let me know if you start getting too much spam (so that I take down your email addresses from the site) South Korean sites are quite a hotspot for that.

    I wanted to share your article in both directions at this south korean blog site, because my impression is that there is a large ideological gap between discussions surrounding race in south korea and the united states. Reactions, and the language they are carried on from the progressive camp in south korea about race is quite disturbing, especially now that “illegal immigrants” from Indonesia, Phillippines and the rest of Southeast Asia have started flocking to south korea (reaching 1% of the population was the last I heard), and these “illegal immigrants” are quite different from the old “illegal immigrants” which were made up of white american troops of the occupying army forces (which included blacks but were conceptualized as part of the white masse). It’s even more disturbing to learn that at south korea sources of how race is dealt with in the U.S. comes from labor unions and indy media centers, which we may agree don’t have the most subversive strategy in dealing with race.

    As for the online reactions to your articles, they do mostly focus on the first half of your article, arguing that you 1) caricaturize Moore and 2) you can’t really merge different movements into one big chunk. I think they are missing your criticism of how in-between groups such as immigrants are trying to step on black peoples’ discrimination to merely reap the benefits of not being black, which was your central argument (right?). I failed to get the concept of “black death” across, I think, and none of the reactions seem to deal with the second half (maybe it didn’t make sense?). The language and terminology barrier (we don’t have two words for “African-American” and “black” in the korean language, for example) If you decide to get out a response, you could just email them to me and I will try posting them in the original english along with translations, time permitting. Please feel free to check out the web itself.

    I’m also cc’ing this to the Mellon Minority Undergraduate Fellows mailing list at Macalester, at which we discussed your article in august.

  • Protected: MNFR summary on september part one

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  • [scrap] For this GOP member, usual labels won't fit; Dennis Sanders is used to shattering stereotypes as a gay, black Republican

    Copyright 2004 Star Tribune
    Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN)
    September 21, 2004, Tuesday, Metro Edition
    LENGTH: 1310 words
    BYLINE: Paul Levy; Staff Writer
    LOAD-DATE: September 21, 2004


  • Beginning again, from refugee to Citizen

    Keynote Presentation by Professor Ahmed I. Samatar.
    “Somalis in America,” conference held at Macalester College, July 15-17, 2004.

    I. Introduction:

    II. Why People Decamp
    B. Pull.
    C. Terms.

    III.Waves and Models

    IV.The Somali Moment
    A.Tacabir vs. Qaxootin:

    V.The Dialectic of Critical Adaptation
    A.English Language
    C.Somali and Islamic Identities