Year: 2016

  • So when actually taking time to analyze the…

    So when actually taking time to analyze the KRC phone logs in the future: Outgoing menu numbers only increased after May 2016, when we allocated several phones to show the menu/addon as the caller ID. (Not show what the previous ones are, and that bump in June 2016) addons don’t seem to be counted Wrong […]

  • I was re watching Game of Thrones Season…

    I was re-watching Game of Thrones Season 1 and was blown away at how every line actually threads further into the plot, and every character referenced in passing actually have some purpose in being mentioned, or appear later. And it is all woven together gracefully – like when Arya starts practicing swordfight with Syrio Forell […]

  • Many of my peers now have multiple children…

    Many of my peers now have (multiple) children, and I’m unsure how socially acceptable it is to not be able to remember their children’s names (despite having seen/met them a couple times). Being the usual INTJ, I’m not really interested in their children, and I struggle to remember the parents’ names in the first place. […]

  • Falling asleep while talking on the phone

  • Why I vlog

  • cleaned up my youtube subscription list went from…

    cleaned up my youtube subscription list, went from 290 to 99. There were tons of dead channels, things I was into at one point (World of Warships), or channels I subscribed to because of one outstanding vid (eg vocaloids) but watching that every day was not smeothing I looked forward to, and organizations I had […]