Every single cutscene in Scandal’s season finale was a “omg who is doing what now?”, “oh poor X, they are so Y”
Tag: scandal
Season 5 Episode 20 of Scandal was just…
Season 5 Episode 20 of Scandal was just perfect.
DrumpfDoyle goes down in flames, Edison calls out all the MF racists, and Ross has a koala affair. Fans agree.Jake has a Cold War spy level double play, I have no idea what he’s thinking of. “Tell Liv that I want to live, that I am chasing the sun.” Is that a trap or a call for help?
Scandal The Miseducation of Susan Ross Omg Liv…
Scandal: The Miseducation of Susan Ross
Omg Liv is talking like her father now, with the same marked commas and all.