Category: a

  • February 10 2005 Senior Seminar Yongho Kim Assignment…

    February 10, 2005
    Senior Seminar
    Yongho Kim

    Assignment: Write a tight one or two-page summary of your final paper topic. Explain what work has already been done and what remains to be done in this course. Be specific in explaining what remains to be done. For example, if you have already gathered data on a study abroad and you now need to process that data, explain how you will do so. If you have already processed it but feel that you need a better theoretical context and understanding of the literature, explain what you will be using and where you will find these materials.

    For my final project, I’ll improve upon the paper The Zen of Motorcycling: Gold Wing Road Riders and their Social Relations which I wrote for the ethnographic interviewing class in the Fall of 2004. The paper examines the weekly activities of the members of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) and makes the argument that the association is a site of social interaction where relations are mediated through objects and the values therein embedded, such as the motorcycles themselves, its accessories and accents, and so forth.

    I want to show the product to prospective employers, especialy to highlight how I can analyze social structures (however that might be intepreted on the employer’s side.)

    The paper quality is poor, so it needs a major overhaul in argument structure and presentation of research materials (use of informant quotes and domains/paradigms)

    For the paper, I have done six interviews (the third one was left half-transcribed) and some internet research on what the GWRRA’s website says about the organization’s history. (And how the organization presents itself to its members and prospective members, in lieu of the lack of the paper version of the newsletter). I need to work again through the raw material and squeeze more domain structures that help make the point that social relations are indeed mediated through objects.

    At the suggestion of professor Guneratne, I have looked up references to Irving Goffman’s theory of staged performance theory, but have failed to incorporate it with the paper’s argument. I plan to search for Goffman’s theory and derivatives to find a previous example of an ethnography with a similar focus.

    The raw materials are also a bit lacking. I might do one or two extra interviews in early March with a second informant on what goes on in different GWRRA activities (given the great variety of activites, I have only covered the major few events. Also, my informant did not have first hand knowledge of some recent trends in GWRRA event organizing.)

  • referrer spam

    so, i’m using Stephen’s referrer log at

    and this makes its way to the referrer page:

    and that unblurred refferrer links to this address

    now what.

  • AFLO quote of the day U C L…

    AFLO quote of the day:

    U.C.L.A. – University of Caucasians Lost in Asia

    (commenting to my pointing out of the difference in perceptions between what “public” and “private” in higher ed imply outside and inside the U.S., citing UCLA as the prime example of what a “good” college in the U.S. is for koreans in Chile (given that it is a public university)

  • notes med anth kuru

    mentioning the kuru
    horizontal and vertical extent

    case study
    rasminss spongeform encaphelopathie
    infection sickness

    mad cow deasease is a kind of TSe
    BSE -> food, cattle carcasses

    BSE agent become more virulent as it crossed species barriers
    + mathemin homozygots wild game feasting
    hepatitis -> anonymous sex

    college campuses: high mobility

  • so andrè carrington is coming to mac on…

    so andrè carrington is coming to mac on the af-am conference, if i heard it well in class!

    so tawanda was saying back in spring:

    you won’t bring him NOW. the school better pay him some heavy bucks if you plan on bringing a NYU scholar, after messing with him while being an undegrad.

    i wonder, though? with AMS being the main sponsor?

    will rosenberg try to pay off back to the “colored camp”, so to say, in admin speech, after we (they?) maintained a neutral stand? what’s the deal with joi? with nick? do they talk to each other?


    too much speculating.

  • spooken, written, and thought discourses

    the reason, it just occured to me, that i often refrain from expressing ideas on paper (or blogs) and instead keep on developing them – this is not strictly limited to papers/essays but extends to random thoughts as well – is because i recognize that once it is written/posted, it is intended to be read by an audience of some form. if no one is going to read it, then i will read it; that counts. insofar as i deal with often contradictory ideas within my head, i can let them sit there for a while and develop in their own dynamic intertextuality, add on new experiences and external text-producers, read, talk about it with other people, and when i feel like it’s ready to cum (uhuh, few metaphors touch upon heteronormative sensibilities better), i write some. a draft.

    because once on paper, althought there may be many ways of intepreting it, for each individual instance of interpretation, e.g. one reader, or me myself re-reading it (because i don’t usually read my own papers more than once, once they are done) and despite all what weatherford claims thoughts in your head are just that, thoughts, unless you write them down or act upon it, it’s imperative to let them stir so that they may make sense with me to start with.

    so there.