Category: papers

  • Who Inquires? Assumed Interactions at Art Exhibit

    Yongho Kim
    Principles of Art
    March 18, 2005

    Material Inquiry is a month-long national exhibition of textile and fiber arts works at Macalester College. I briefly toured the exhibit on the morning of March 18th, the closing day, for comments and thoughts to be submitted at the Principles of Art class.

  • Outline: AIDS, politics of accusation, and racially bound female bodies in the Korean American public discourse

    Medical Anthropology
    March 3, 2005
    Yongho Kim

    My paper aims to make the claim that geographically and racially imagined narratives within the Korean American community (in particular New York City) that portray the AIDS/HIV epidemic as originating from outside the ehtno-nationally defined core of the Korean American community have contributed to the ongoing process of binding female bodies racially, both in terms of simple mobility between neighborhoods of color and the formation of interracial couples. Unlike previous papers, I plan to start the research process with a specific agenda/hypothesis in mind.

  • Polio Resurgence, Control in Saudi Arabia and Surrounding Areas.

    Medical Anthropology
    Short paper on current issues in infectious diseases
    February 25, 2005
    Yongho Kim

    Poliomyelitis, called “polio” for short, is a viral infectious disease affecting mostly young children between the age of 3 to 5 years. It is caused by the poliovirus, with three recognized strains – non-paralytic, spinal paralytic, and bulbar – and transmitted through mouth contact with fecally infected water or foods. The virus attacks parts of the central nervous system (the spinal column or the brain stem depending on the strain), causing first fever, vomiting, headaches, pains in the neck and extremities, paralysis and/or death. (Wikipedia, 2005) The virus has a long permanence time, up to 35 days, and is usually found when the child presents floppy and lifeless limbs, a condition known as the acute flaccid paralysis (AFP).

  • Anthropology Senior Seminar Yongho Kim February 24 2005…

    Anthropology Senior Seminar
    Yongho Kim
    February 24, 2005

    Assignment: One-page summary of the theory of your research paper. Does it belong to a particular type? Is it informed by particular types? If it cuts across theoretical lines, which theories does it cut across?

    My research paper argues that social relationships among the GW riders is mediated through material objects. Furthermore, people identify with their motorcycles, their accessories, and accents. And talk to other people as if they themselves were portrayed in those obbjects. Therefore, it will rely on theories of the self, in particular Erving Goffman’s theories of presentation of the self in public spaces and games (chapter 5 of “Behavior in Public Spaces”, “Some Rules about Objects of Involvement”) looks promising. I just started reading them this week, and will take me a few days to go through his ideas.

    I have only a basic familiarity with sociology and do not have enough time to delve into the sociological literature that concerns performance theory.

    I may introduce theories used to talk about identity politics and racialized representations, but I am not sure how politically sensitive it is to use theories about underrepresented racial minorities on otherwise mainstream, if small, majority white (to my perception) middle class groups. If I did, however, I would use Suzanne Oboler’s Ethnic Labels, Latino Lives: Identity and the Politics of (Re)Presentation in the United States, Arlene Dávila’s Latinos, Inc: The Marketting and Making of a People, David Roediger’s The Wages of Whiteness, and Manu DiBango’s “The Shortest Way Through”: Strategic Anti-essentialism in Popular Music

  • Superstructures and subaltern practices in the ANC and the SCLC

    Fredom Movements Essay 1
    February 23, 2005

    Andrew Ancheta
    Yongho Kim

    In his controversial book Black Marxism, Cedric Robinson argues that “the roots of Western racism took hold in European civilization well before the dawn of capitalism” (Kelley, 2000: 12). In a differing approach from George Frederickson to the overlaps of racism and capitalism in the occupation of America, Robinson points out that “… the tendency of European civilization through capitslim was thus not to homogenize but to differentiate – to exaggerate regional subcultural, and dialectical differences into “tacial” ones. (Robinson 26) The dilemma observed by the two intellectuals permeates the literature on the two movements that arose as a response to both instances of the system of white supremacy, as is expressed in King’s undecided observation: “Most of us are not capitalists, we’re just potential capitalists” (Garrow, 41)

    This paper examines the different social forces – racial makeup of the workforce, ideaological relationship to communism and forms of radical socialism, use of the church, and its position in the post-WW2 international political area – that surrounded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and the African National Congress, and how these differences are manifested through strategies adopted by Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King and their advisors.

  • False (third world) Consciousness

    False (third world) Consciousness
    Response to presentation on public art
    Art 149: Principles of Art
    February 17, 2005
    Yongho Kim

    Assignment: Consider a favorite space in your life. … In a length of 1-2 pages, describe this place in detail, thinking especially about physical qualities of the site which conribute to your positive recollections. Can you draw any conclusions about these characteristics which might be transferable to other places and times?

    My favorite space hangs with a photography of high school I always carry with me. In this essay, I will talk about the geopolitical aesthetics of the image.
