Category: techie

  • Windows 7 and Ubuntu on HP Firebird 802

    2009-12-24 21.02.25

    Overall, setting up a Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux dual boot on the HP Firebird with VoodooDNA 802 was a breeze.

    Some observations about this desktop:

    • So QUIET! It ranges from 10 dB (extremely quiet) to 30 dB (quiet room – my EeePc 901’s fan are this quiet), and you can sleep with it on. The internal HDD does not make any noise.
    • Surprisingly, the bundled mouse and keyboard’s USB receiver seems to work natively with the computer, regardless of whether it’s the command prompt, Linux, or whatever. Nice.
    • When I saw the 2.5 dual HDD were 5400 RPM I thought of getting an Intel 25M 80G SSD but so far it runs pretty well and SSDs may see drastic price drops over the next few years so I’m postponing that a year or two.


  • Customize Google Spreadsheet Forms – simplified

    I stripped down GOS’s excellent how-to on using javascript to display a custom message instead of sending users to the unfriendly-looking Google Spreadsheet Forms confirmation page. The simplified code follows:

    function custommsg()
    document.getElementById("form-message").innerHTML="THANK YOU MESSAGE HERE";


  • Unicode characters in filename leads to "failed to convert command to 8 bit charset" in FileZilla

    On Windows XP, I had converted 150 low-resolution (160×120, 10fps) Quicktime MOV files to FLV files, and was trying to upload them through FTP using FileZilla 3.1.2

    One of the files somehow had unicode characters inside the filename: “07-82.flv”, which produced the below error:

    08:37:40 Status: Starting upload of D:docsGoogle Talk Received Filesvideos07-82.flv
    (bla bla)
    08:38:25 Command: STOR07-82.flv
    08:38:25 Error: Failed to convert command to 8 bit charset

    The error was solved by renaming the file to plain ASCII.

  • Cite Extension Reflist unavail to anon users

    MediaWiki’s Cite Extension Reflist, normally pulled with the tag, was invisible to anon users, while visible to registered users. The source showed this:


    I deactivated the parser cache by adding the line
    in LocalSettings.php

    And the problem was solved. Not sure why it was happening, though.

    Versions: MediaWiki 13.3.3, Cite SVN Snapshot

  • Mailman issue

    I had the below issue, which was solved by:

    1. postalias /etc/aliases
    2. /etc/init.d/postfix restart

    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: Mail Delivery Subsystem
    Date: Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 5:18 PM
    Subject: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

    This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification

    Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


    Technical details of permanent failure:
    Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550 5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table (state 14). (more…)

  • MediaWiki+FCKeditor

    This combo works without any core file modifications:

    MediaWiki 1.12.1

    FCK Editor Nightly Build as of 10/16/08 7:30 AM PDT

    This combo didn’t work – when clicking “edit” the screen turned white

    svn checkout
    svn checkout FCKeditor