Month: July 2009

  • 한인 노인분들이 미국 정부 복지 신청 방법을 잘 몰라서 도움을 요청하면 …

    한인 노인분들이 미국 정부 복지 신청 방법을 잘 몰라서 도움을 요청하면 자신이 대신 신청서를 작성 해 주면서 메일링 주소를 자신의 주소로 넣고 무려 한달치의 SSI, 푸드스탬프 등 혜택 내용을 자신의 “사례비”로 강제하는 경우가 빈번하다는데, 거 참 2-3시간 서류 작성하고 $900 을 빼먹는 심뽀는 도대체 무엇인지, 그런 고수익자들이 미 전역에 널렸으니 GDP 3만불 시대도 멀지않았다. 그 […]

  • on the digital divide – are tech trainin…

    on the digital divide – are tech trainings useful? Lots of tech trainings just swamp information without a theoretical framework at the learner, and their typical response is “oh, this is so confusing”. Their conclusion? “Maybe I shouldn’t touch this”. however, is that how techies grew up absorbing tech? we researched on our own pace, […]

  • was reading "get out the vote" by gree…

    was reading “get out the vote” by green and gerber. these folks were pretty frustrated with election consultants with no sense of social science nor scientific research. i imagine having arguments with these folks in campaign offices must have been nightmare. i think they didn’t take their high school biology classes seriously, and the fact […]

  • setting up a tech support ticket system …

    setting up a tech support ticket system with wordpress p2 where tickets can be submitted online or via email (posterous+mailman), gTalk and sms ( yum..

  • So where do attached files go on posterous?

    Posterous hosts or will they end up on WordPress? —Yongho Kim | 323.244.5309 | |

  • my personal end of twitter?