Tag: facebook

  • It’s unfortunate that the real fake news and…

    It’s unfortunate that the real fake news (and no, I don’t mean Fox News.. i mean, the real, original fake news.. fake news *sites*) is not surfacing to the public attention anymore, because it’s been suspected to be one of the factors leading up to 45*’s election.

    It would be unfortunate that just because we have a biased right wing media, and Dems are picking up on the incorrect adoption of the term to attack Fox News, we give this issue a blind eye when fake news sites are alive and well:

    • Websites created with the sole purpose of generating clicks and ad revenue (a link farm on steroids, if you will)
    • Masquerading as news sites with some fancy name
    • Existing across the political spectrum, but with an overwhelming majority with headlines biased in favor of Trump, because let’s face it, everyone is dumb to an extent but Trump supporters are a special kind of stupid. The progressive base’s ROI with fake news sites can’t ever hope to compete with the i’m-swimming-in-cash level ROI with Trump.
    • Where the header is 90% of the content, with the remaining article body being either arbitrarily cut & pasted from other sources, or seemingly procedurally generated from click-baity content formats
    • Prospers from an internet culture where users don’t read the article they see from a friend, but simply re-share it in their timeline to make a political statement (usually in the form of “I hate Clinton”)
    • Is initially “seeded” by the site creators, but later acquires a life of its own after going viral
    • With 99% of traffic being generated from social media link shares, and having its biggest client in Facebook. And Facebook is suspected to have let it fester, because it still meant more business for Facebook in terms of user engagement

    Mid-term elections season is approaching – are we going to do anything about this?

  • facebook is running a survey that pops up…

    facebook is running a survey that pops up and takes over the entire screen (you can’t click on anything else until you respond or close it) where it literally asks “do you agree with the following statement: facebook is good for the world”

    fuck you facebook. manipulative piece of shit

  • Using Facebook because the people are there is…

    Using Facebook because the people are there is like buying from Walmart because the products are affordable.

  • part of the reason why I care so…

    part of the reason why I care so much about in-person user experience optimization may be because how terrible, terrible, absolutely terrible the majority of Korean websites’ UX is. The Korean internets is filled with evangelists that have been decrying the lack of information architecture, cross-platform compatibility, disability access, standards compliance (W3C), data machinability… really, just plain lack of philosophy, in mainstream Korean websites for over 15 years now. It’s kind of when President Dae Joong Kim started pushing for growing the IT sector as one of the ways of overcoming the Asian financial crisis.

    Today, the White House website runs on Drupal and the federal government launched data.gov. In the meantime, the Blue House website uses Flash… oh nevermind, BH finally got rid of Flash. But I’m sure there must be other government sites that use Flash.. Election Administration, Congress, there’s gotta be a ton out there.. and it’s not for a slideshow or anything, Flash is used in the site navigation! Seriously!

  • Mobile Facebook feed today Legitimate post from former…

    Mobile Facebook feed today:

    • Legitimate post from former colleague about travel plans
    • Ad from Microsoft as “Sponsored post”
    • Legitimate one line update from former colleague
    • A fucking GIF/vid and I’m pretty sure the person listed as sharer didn’t actually mean to share that in their friends’ timeline. Followed by 2 comments posted by ppl in my network
    • Another fucking vid (AFV)
    • AFV
    • AFV
    • A little comment and link from high school friend
    • Legitimate post from former colleague

    Facebook. The Post-Monetization Discovery Channel.

  • Seriously Facebook suggests I follow Zuckerberg now It’d…

    Seriously Facebook suggests I follow Zuckerberg now? It’d be hilarious if this was hard coded.
