I think Trump said if Dems win…
I think Trump said “if Dems win the house, there will be a wave of crimes, alien invasions, and violence.. lots of violence. And it’s gonna be your fault, not mine.”. Tremendous success tonight. Thank you to all! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2018
Holy shit those Prop 10 numbers https vote…
Holy shit those Prop 10 numbers
This newspaper is funny Friday ad strongly attacking…
This newspaper is funny: Friday ad, strongly attacking Trump -> inserts small disclaimer “may not reflect opinions of our newspaper” Wednesday ad, more uplifting tone, not as aggressive -> no disclaimer Friday ad, strongly attacking -> inserts small disclaimer
Online reception of the Trump’s latest citizenship comment…
Online reception of the Trump’s latest citizenship comment is a bit mixed, because the Korean media (in this case, both peninsular and U.S. based) has long (20+ years?) established a standard buzzword to frame the issue: Expedition Birth (원정출산) The word Expedition has been combined with a few choice words to frame a couple topics…
the sad state of my Instant Messenger accounts…
the sad state of my Instant Messenger accounts I mostly use SMS, Slack and KakaoTalk for my daily messaging. Colleagues use Slack; us-based contacts use SMS and I get them via Hangouts, but for the past 4 years I haven’t been able to figure out how to set Hangouts (instead of Android’s built-in “Messages” app)…
So I keep hearing about this mythical …
So I keep hearing about this mythical “reasonable and afraid” crowd who we can establish reasonable conversations with. Let’s see: I see how the Korean media covers their activities and their positions, and I want to throw up. It’s disgusting. I go to their website, and I want to puke. It’s worse in online spaces.…