
oh yeah, I remodeled my dormroom. at first it was really ergonodynamic, the bed was put diagonaly and the desk and chairs fit the trianglish design, but then my roommate protested and we had to straighten that up. Anyways, I have my little comfort are and everything is perfect except for that the 100-Cd case carrrying rack is standing right next to my bed and I could make them all fall and break if I happened to touch them in the mids of any random nightmare.

I hate thermodynamics. I think it brings some weak remembrances of psychology. I wonder what the lab will be aboout on this chapter

I got the korean gospel cds I had ordered a few weeks ago. They’re awesome. With these cheap new speakers, I can make the whole short wing of Turck tremble. Cheap stuff rule.

Why do I feel I am becoming more and more materialistic everyday? Most of what I seem to be worried about is stuff, things that I should buy. Oh no, maybe I’ll decide to major in economics during my sophomore year – God forbid


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