Testing self video

I have never really taken selfie photos before. Here, I’m testing out various technical questions related to filming myself on an impromptu selfie stick. Filmed using a Pixel 3a smartphone.

  • does the external mic work? yes
  • how wobbly is the video? does it need a gimball? it seems.. okay..
  • how much environmental noise can this setup withstand? a ton, actually. There was construction going on to my side and I could still hear myself
  • How much impediment does the mask represent for capturing sound? I can hear myself pretty clearly through the mask.

There is, however, an unexpected length discrepancy between the video and audio portion of the recording. The audio is about 1% shorter, and in the second clip, it aligned towards the end. In the first clip, however, it as shorter, but it didn’t align towards the end. I’m thinking maybe the Pixel 3a is not fast enough to process the video in real time, resulting in the audio problem.


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