What the first month of college costs

Couldn’t find a better place to store this.

337.5 Textbooks
6.5 Elem of Moral Philo
20.0 Intending Death
13.0 Physicial Assited Suicide
45.0 Ethics
35.0 Chem
28.5 Chem Lab
91.0 Calculus
43.5 Kontakte
43.0 Kontakte Arbeitsbuch
12.0 A life in physics

112.0 PC Parts
14.0 Headset
22.5 Cannon Bubblejet 2210C
75.5 KTT-SO100 256MB RAM

94.0 Supplies
4.5 Watch
9.0 Desk Lamp
15.5 Toothbursh, Soap, Hangers…
10.0 Belt
7.0 Hangers
4.0 Ruler
7.5 Stack Shelf x 3
8.5 Tissue
15.0 Pens & Post-it
3.0 Screw Driver
8.5 Sandals
17.0 T-shirts x 2

396.0 Misc
352.0 Health Insurance
17.0 Unpaid tuition (huh?)
10.0 Locker (I’ll get it back in may, 2005)
17.0 Star Tribune

Total = 939.5

yet to buy: sandals, usb cables and another physics book.


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