Author: Yongho Kim 김용호

  • Film Review of Lumumba

    Film Review of Lumumba
    Anthropology 258: African Societies
    Yongho Kim

    I have seen Lumumba as a traditional film containing the ten years before and immediately following the independence of DRC. In other words, the fact that the theme was based in Africa did not tweak the way in which the narrative itself was presented, as it happens often with other movies focusing in the “underdeveloped” nations. I especially liked the way in which the urban and rural Congo was depicted, because it didn’t fix with the notion of a barren land.



    INTL254 Introduction to International Human Rights
    Professor Nadya Nedelsky
    reaction essays prepared by students HM, CH, AP
    Response to ICESCR


    INTL254 Introduction to International Human Rights
    Professor Nadya Nedelsky
    Readig Review prepared by students Group 5: AG, EO, RR

  • Historical Remarks

    Reading Review
    INTL254 Introduction to International Human Rights
    Nadya Nedelsky
    JH, RN, NE

  • Customary Law and Treaties

    INTL254 Introduction to International Human Rights
    Nadya Nedelsky
    JP, SP, AM. Group 3

  • the fate of the UN

    [Sep. 9th, 2003|04:50 pm]
    [ mood | amused ]

    Overheard today as I was crossing the Grand/Snelling along with this usual guy:

    Daughter: …and Liberia is in charge of human rights.
    Mom: …
    Daughter: some terrorist country takes care of nuclear weapons.. can you believe that, mom?
    Mom: …
    Daughter: and they say Kofi Annan is ok. Like, all politicians are baaad, but Kofi’s gotta be good. Ha!

    She was cute though.