Category: mini-blog

  • omg so sad don’t cry daisy

    omg so sad… don’t cry daisy.. :(




  • Every single cutscene in Scandal’s season finale was…

    Every single cutscene in Scandal’s season finale was a “omg who is doing what now?”, “oh poor X, they are so Y”

  • https www youtube com watch v=UlkjdHlq8Hk I saw…

    I saw Jeremy’s video “Why is Learning Korean So Hard? – Language as Mind” and found many of the ideas presented there to be very intriguing, and wanted to continue this conversation. Here is my take three on this video response.

  • I need this debated with all the pseudo…

    I need this debated with all the pseudo doctors in my life. Especially the Korean ones.

  • The Korean singer Lee Juck wrote the below…

    The Korean singer Lee Juck wrote the below poem when he was in Junior High. Apparently he was a good kid who always bought birthday presents for his mom using the allowance money he received. (What! I never did that!) This one birthday however, he had spent up all his allowance, and he didn’t have anything for his mom.. so he wrote this poem, hoping that it would cover up his reproachable behavior(?). The poem made mom cry, and it ended up in her book later.

    엄마의 하루

    습한 얼굴로
    AM 6:00이면 시계같이 일어나
    쌀을 씻고
    밥을 지어
    호돌이 보온 도시락통에 정성껏 싸
    장대한 아들과 남편을 보내 놓고
    조용히 허무하다.

    따르릉 전화 소리에
    제2의 아침이 시작되고
    줄곧 바
    책상머리에 앉아
    고요의 시간은
    읽고 쓰는데
    또 읽고 쓰는 데 바쳐
    오른쪽 눈이 빠져라
    세라믹펜이 무거워라

    지친 듯 무서운 얼굴이
    돌아온 아들의 짜증과 함께
    다시 씽크대 앞에 선다.

    밥을 짓다
    설거지를 하다
    방바닥을 닦다
    두부 사오라 거절하는 아들의 말에
    이게 뭐냐고 무심히 말하는
    남편의 말에,
    주저앉아 흘리는 고통의 눈물에
    언 동태가 녹고
    아들의 찬 손이 녹고

    정작 하루가 지나면
    정작 당신은
    또 엄마를 잘못 만나서를 되뇌시며

    슬며시 실리는
    당신의 글을 부끄러워하며
    따끈히 끓이는
    된장찌개의 맛을 부끄러워하며

    오늘 또
    엄마를 잘못 만나서를
    무심한 아들들에게

    ‘강철 여인’이 아닌
    ‘사랑 여인’에게
    다시 하루가 길다.

    A day in my mom’s life
    Dong Joon Lee (Juck Lee)

    Her expression still moisty
    getting up like a clock at the beat of the LED “AM 6:00”
    washing rice
    making rice
    wrapping it up in the thermal box with little 1988 olympics tiger stickers
    sending away the son (who is enormous now) and the husband
    and sitting still in silent hollowness.

    The phone ringing signals
    round two of the morning cycle
    and she sits
    at the edge of the dining table
    a time of solitude
    in reading and writing
    and more reading and writing
    “my right eye is sore”
    “the ceramic pan feels heavy”

    A face that may look tired, or may look scary
    stands against the kitchen table
    with a bratty son who is now back home.

    Making rice
    washing dishes
    mopping the floor
    “go get me some tofu” but son refuses,
    at the husband’s disinterested question,
    “what’s wrong with dinner?”
    fallen to the ground, crying in pain,
    tears melt the frozen fish
    tears melt the sons’s cold hands

    Instead, when a day is past,
    instead, you
    murmur again “i’m so sorry, you have met the wrong mom”

    Silently embarrassed of
    your writings, furtively getting published,
    embarrassed of
    the flavor of the 된장(miso) soup

    Today again
    “wrong mom, so sorry”
    murmuring to your
    careless sons

    To the mom who is not a “woman of steel”
    but rather a “woman of love”
    the day drags along yet again

  • got Windows Live Writer working with WordPress Multisite…

    got Windows Live Writer working with WordPress Multisite. did these steps. don’t know which are the ones needed:

    1. added “IP address“ (and also the pre-mapping subdomain) to /etc/hosts
    2. when adding blog, followed these instructions:
      With my main blog WLW works normally but with other blogs (not main) I do the following trick: initially I select URL:http://nothing and at the next screen I select WordPress 2.2+ provider and URL= and at the final screen select my site again.  (from dmitirano comments). Instead of the pure domina, I used
    3. It works.
    4. I can’t select my posting language as in WPML.