Category: anthropology

  • Outline: AIDS, politics of accusation, and racially bound female bodies in the Korean American public discourse

    Medical Anthropology
    March 3, 2005
    Yongho Kim

    My paper aims to make the claim that geographically and racially imagined narratives within the Korean American community (in particular New York City) that portray the AIDS/HIV epidemic as originating from outside the ehtno-nationally defined core of the Korean American community have contributed to the ongoing process of binding female bodies racially, both in terms of simple mobility between neighborhoods of color and the formation of interracial couples. Unlike previous papers, I plan to start the research process with a specific agenda/hypothesis in mind.

  • Polio Resurgence, Control in Saudi Arabia and Surrounding Areas.

    Medical Anthropology
    Short paper on current issues in infectious diseases
    February 25, 2005
    Yongho Kim

    Poliomyelitis, called “polio” for short, is a viral infectious disease affecting mostly young children between the age of 3 to 5 years. It is caused by the poliovirus, with three recognized strains – non-paralytic, spinal paralytic, and bulbar – and transmitted through mouth contact with fecally infected water or foods. The virus attacks parts of the central nervous system (the spinal column or the brain stem depending on the strain), causing first fever, vomiting, headaches, pains in the neck and extremities, paralysis and/or death. (Wikipedia, 2005) The virus has a long permanence time, up to 35 days, and is usually found when the child presents floppy and lifeless limbs, a condition known as the acute flaccid paralysis (AFP).

  • notes, senior seminar. theories and variables

    theories in our anthropological paper is a way to explain something. the variable is the thing to be explained.

    paper 1
    building of dams affects women’s livelihoods in a particular river valley in Senegal. variable is the dam and new irrigation methods, which is to be explained, and the result of the dam being there is the affected livelihood of women as measured by employment, household income, and so forth

    paper 2
    prostitution is conceptualized as a particular thing in anthropological literature. E will draw upon his particular experience in mongolia where he massaged the feet of an old man and felt like a prostitute because he was providing a sexual service (unpaid, however) using this he will criticize one of his own papers that he wrote in another anthropology class and expand it to anthropology in general. here, the variable is the anthropologist’s conception of prostitution, and the result thereof is the current literature about prostitution.

    fun term: prostitutive anthropology. how is anthropology perceived in prostitution? how is that anthropologist who hanged out with prostitute informants in DC and ended up singing in the car together while raining? (at C&C)

    theories suggested: theories of representation of manhood, WGS stuff, etc

    paper 3
    nursing women in south africa are immigrating en masse to places like saudi arabia, britain, and so forth. there are pull and push factors: wages, satisfaction at the job, social instablity, (what else was here?) variable is all of the factors together

    theories suggested: mimi sheller’s movement of bodies theory

    paper 4
    revival of shamanism in mongolian youth and how it relates to the revival of nationalism after the fall of communism in mongolia. weatherford indicates that just the “practice of shamanism among youth” is a invariable phenomenon, and that it doesn’t change – not a variable. i suggest that maybe the study should compare traditional perceptions of youth towards shamanism before the fall of communism to the revival post-fall, and that would give two differing situations where the two variables, revival of shamanism and neonationalism/fall of communism are correlating variables.

    theories suggested: john fiske’s study of suburban white youth using hip hop from black urban youth as a cultural artifact through which they build up their own sense of belonging/resistance

    observation: i think it was not clear throughout the class what we meant by “variable”. because it seemed to be one kind of thign in one paper, and then in the next paper it was on the other end of the equation.

    weatherford: make sure you bring in the external theory because it fits well with what you want to talk about, not just because you want to show off how cool Foucault or Derrida are and/or you read them. a lot of the academic garbage produced these days comes from students trying to “identify” with a certain school of thought which they find cool/progressive but they are unable to articulate the theory with their actual research, because it was forced upon to start with. (this rings with Guneratne warning of scholars just dropping names to fit in with the rest of academia)

  • Anthropology Senior Seminar Yongho Kim February 24 2005…

    Anthropology Senior Seminar
    Yongho Kim
    February 24, 2005

    Assignment: One-page summary of the theory of your research paper. Does it belong to a particular type? Is it informed by particular types? If it cuts across theoretical lines, which theories does it cut across?

    My research paper argues that social relationships among the GW riders is mediated through material objects. Furthermore, people identify with their motorcycles, their accessories, and accents. And talk to other people as if they themselves were portrayed in those obbjects. Therefore, it will rely on theories of the self, in particular Erving Goffman’s theories of presentation of the self in public spaces and games (chapter 5 of “Behavior in Public Spaces”, “Some Rules about Objects of Involvement”) looks promising. I just started reading them this week, and will take me a few days to go through his ideas.

    I have only a basic familiarity with sociology and do not have enough time to delve into the sociological literature that concerns performance theory.

    I may introduce theories used to talk about identity politics and racialized representations, but I am not sure how politically sensitive it is to use theories about underrepresented racial minorities on otherwise mainstream, if small, majority white (to my perception) middle class groups. If I did, however, I would use Suzanne Oboler’s Ethnic Labels, Latino Lives: Identity and the Politics of (Re)Presentation in the United States, Arlene Dávila’s Latinos, Inc: The Marketting and Making of a People, David Roediger’s The Wages of Whiteness, and Manu DiBango’s “The Shortest Way Through”: Strategic Anti-essentialism in Popular Music

  • February 10 2005 Senior Seminar Yongho Kim Assignment…

    February 10, 2005
    Senior Seminar
    Yongho Kim

    Assignment: Write a tight one or two-page summary of your final paper topic. Explain what work has already been done and what remains to be done in this course. Be specific in explaining what remains to be done. For example, if you have already gathered data on a study abroad and you now need to process that data, explain how you will do so. If you have already processed it but feel that you need a better theoretical context and understanding of the literature, explain what you will be using and where you will find these materials.

    For my final project, I’ll improve upon the paper The Zen of Motorcycling: Gold Wing Road Riders and their Social Relations which I wrote for the ethnographic interviewing class in the Fall of 2004. The paper examines the weekly activities of the members of the Gold Wing Road Riders Association (GWRRA) and makes the argument that the association is a site of social interaction where relations are mediated through objects and the values therein embedded, such as the motorcycles themselves, its accessories and accents, and so forth.

    I want to show the product to prospective employers, especialy to highlight how I can analyze social structures (however that might be intepreted on the employer’s side.)

    The paper quality is poor, so it needs a major overhaul in argument structure and presentation of research materials (use of informant quotes and domains/paradigms)

    For the paper, I have done six interviews (the third one was left half-transcribed) and some internet research on what the GWRRA’s website says about the organization’s history. (And how the organization presents itself to its members and prospective members, in lieu of the lack of the paper version of the newsletter). I need to work again through the raw material and squeeze more domain structures that help make the point that social relations are indeed mediated through objects.

    At the suggestion of professor Guneratne, I have looked up references to Irving Goffman’s theory of staged performance theory, but have failed to incorporate it with the paper’s argument. I plan to search for Goffman’s theory and derivatives to find a previous example of an ethnography with a similar focus.

    The raw materials are also a bit lacking. I might do one or two extra interviews in early March with a second informant on what goes on in different GWRRA activities (given the great variety of activites, I have only covered the major few events. Also, my informant did not have first hand knowledge of some recent trends in GWRRA event organizing.)

  • notes med anth kuru

    mentioning the kuru
    horizontal and vertical extent

    case study
    rasminss spongeform encaphelopathie
    infection sickness

    mad cow deasease is a kind of TSe
    BSE -> food, cattle carcasses

    BSE agent become more virulent as it crossed species barriers
    + mathemin homozygots wild game feasting
    hepatitis -> anonymous sex

    college campuses: high mobility