Category: scrapbook
AndrewSW develops custom RSS feeds per categories
from AndreSW: Create your feed of my blog by choosing which categories of my blog you are interested in having in your own custom feed, and which categories you would rather not see at all. if only RSS could be delivered through mailing lists! *laugh* we could revolutionize content delivery for low-tech Adelante!’s members…
Size doesn't matter
that’s what they say… source:
Clifford, and Marcus & Fischer
This text was produced by AK while the person was a student at Macalester. It was distributed for in-class review. Any use of this text necessitates you to contact the person directly for copyright purposes.
[Karissa Demmert] Anthropology and History- Bernard Cohn
This text was produced by Karissa Demmert while the person was a student at Macalester. It was distributed for in-class review. Any use of this text necessitates you to contact the person directly for copyright purposes.
[Alex Rubenstein] Ethnoscience and Cognitive Anthropology
This text was produced by Alex Rubenstein while the person was a student at Macalester. It was distributed for in-class review. Any use of this text necessitates you to contact the person directly for copyright purposes.