ILRC Immigration Paralegal 40 Hour Training

Thursday, July 21 to Saturday, July 23, and Thursday, July 28 to Saturday, July 30 (Saturday classes are half days)

description: (reproduced below)

The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles, Immigrant Legal Resource Center, & the Law Offices of Leticia Moreno Announce a


This intensive six-day training is designed to provide staff working at not-for-profit agencies the foundation to gain accreditation from the Board of Immigration Appeals and to practice before, immigration judges, and the BIA. (The BIA now often cites successful completion of this training as a positive factor in granting accreditation.)


Thursday, July 21 to Saturday, July 23, and Thursday, July 28 to Saturday, July 30 (Saturday classes are half days)


Villa-Parke Community Center 363 E. Villa Street Pasadena, CA 91101

How much will it cost?

$500 for staff of non-profit agencies $600 for staff of private law firms.

This fee covers registration, course materials (but not statute and regulations), and continental breakfast & lunch

Applications from non-profit staff of community based organizations that are organizing immigrant communities for progressive change will be given preference. The training is designed to assist non-profit organizations and staff members complete the requirements for BIA recognition and accreditation. Staff from law firms and private practitioners will be admitted on a limited basis.

Applications must be received no later than Wednesday, July 6, 2005. Print the attached application or download an application form at and fax it to 213/353-1344 attn paralegal training.

For more information please call CHIRLA at 213/353-1333


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