Category: work

  • Elevator Speech about KRC

    I wrote this elevator speech about KRC at last night’s APIAVote training:

    Hi, my name is Yongho Kim and I work with KRC, not to be confused with KFC.
    Actually, we’re kind of like KFC. We are crunchy and engaging.

    Did your parents ever get yelled at a government office for not understanding English? That’s just wrong. And we work to make sure immigrants live with dignity. We educate people and hold protests to get it done.

    And unlike KFC, which is bad for your body, we are good for the community. We have won Medi-Cal translation compliance, children’s health insurance, and much more. Mmm.. delicious!

    Can you join us at our next meeting? We have a youth meeting every Monday at 6pm.. we’ll have tons of hot wings, ok?

  • Nightmares

    Dream 1

    The composite database is finished, complete with matrix-like real time refresh features.

    Dream 2

    MH: Yongho I think we need to go to the MRT event without the youth.

    Dream 3

    RR: Hello, is that Yongho there? We have found one of your machines send trojan-sprung spam email again.

  • Continuation of Emergency Coverage: AB 813 Passes Senate


    Sacramento Office
    1107 Ninth Street, Suite 801
    Sacramento, California 95814
    Telephone: 916/442-0753; FAX 916/442-7966

    [Tags]medicare, medicare part d, prescription drug, medi-medi, dual eligible, emergency measure, california, legislature, law, medi-cal[/Tags]

    Continuation of Emergency Coverage
    Medicare Part D – Update
    May 11, 2006

    AB 813 Nunez/Perata

    Current state emergency coverage for Medicare Part D failures pursuant to SB 1233 (Perata) will expire on May 16, 2006. Without continuing some state remedy for Medicare Part D problems, some of the most vulnerable persons in the state would be left without prescription drugs when Part D occurred.

    AB 813 (Perata/Nunez) as amended May 9, 2006, appropriates $120 million to continue emergency coverage for prescription drugs through the State’s Medi-Cal program from May 17, 2006 through January 31, 2007 for individuals who have both Medicaid and Medicare coverage (dual eligibles).

    AB 813 has been fast-tracked through the legislature. It was heard in the Senate Health Committee May 10, 2006. On May 11, 2006, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed the bill to the Senate floor where it received the required two-thirds vote to pas the Senate. AB 813 will be heard on the Assembly floor Monday May 15, 2006 where it is expected to pass and then sent to the Governor for signing before expiration of current emergency coverage on May 16, 2006.

  • May Day 2006 and the Gulf War

    Before hitting Wilshire and Western at 4:00 pm, we are sitting in the lounge watching Fox News, which is broadcasting live rallies in Downtown and Santa Ana. That looks pretty hard to match up. Then we think of our plan for today.

    Ever heard CNN’s of live Gulf War broadcasting? Iraqui scud missile headquarters used CNN screens to fine-tune their targets.

    [Tags]immigration, immigrant, protests, rally, may day, may 1, los angeles, california[/Tags]

  • Government Sued over Failure to Implement Medicare Drug Law’s Protections for Low-Income People

    Government Sued over Failure to Implement Medicare Drug Law’s Protections for Low-Income People: Challenge Brought on Behalf of More than 6 Million Recipients

    Oakland, CA; April 26, 2006–A class action complaint was filed today in the U.S. Federal District Court, Northern District of California to force the Secretary of Health and Human Services to ensure that the 6.4 million seniors and disabled individuals across the nation who receive both Medicare and Medicaid (“dual eligibles”) have effective, timely access to prescription medication under the new Medicare Part D prescription drug program.


  • Sign-up sheet for POSTERING drive

    How to do it

    1. decide on at least 2 street segments you will be postering on
      • suggested street segments are already posted at the sign-up sheet below, waiting for takers
      • for postering purposes, a city (glendale, cerritos, northridge, torrance) counts as 1/2 street segment (see the K-Town markets excel sheet for markets outside K-Town.) We will most likely go to the cities for flyering instead of postering, so hold of from going to cities just for postering.
    2. decide on time
      • Because our targets include restaurants, it may be more effective to schedule your postering around 9:00-10:00am or 2:00-3:00pm (dodge pre-meal rush hour)
    3. arrange your own transportation – talk directly to a car person etc
    4. write what you chose at the present web sign-up sheet
      1. click blue “edit” link in the desired date square and
      2. write your name and time next to street segment
      3. click “save page”
    5. grab agitprop stock
      • you should find them in two boxes and a big paper envelope next to the desk between MJ and Irene’s office.
      • Take at least 20 KL / 5 SL / 5 EL flyers per street segment. Don’t flyer them, but have them handy in case passersby request it from you.
    6. go postering
      • Get a clipboard where you will write:
        1. how many flyers/posters were handed out, with a language breakdown
        2. names and addresses of businesses that requested the poster to be removed after event.
      • Try to do most business complexes (located at major street corners). but if the street being intersected is already covered by another street segment (i.e. 8th and Western, Olympic and Vermont) do one every two business complexes you encounter.
    7. report back
      • come back and write how many flyers & posters were handed out (with a language breakdown) next to your name in the web signup sheet
      • record names and businesses that requested post-event poster removal
      • return remainder to agitprop stock

    지시 사항

    1. 포스터를 붙일 구역 최소한 2개 결정
      • 권장 구역은 하단 sign-up sheet 에 붙어있음
      • LA County 의 도시 (cerritos, glendale, torrance, northridge 등)에 포스터를 붙이러 갈 경우 이는 1/2 구역으로 계산됨. 관련하여 한인 마켓 excel sheet 참고할것. 나중에 이곳으로 전단지 뿌리러 갈터이니 되도록이면 가지 말것.
    2. 시간 결정
      • 식당 영업을 고려해 점심/저녁 시간을 제외하는 것이 유리
    3. 교통 수단 확보
    4. 결정 내용을 이 웹 sign-up sheet 에 기록
      1. 날짜마다 붙어있는 파란색 “[edit]” 링크를 클릭
      2. 구역 옆에 이름과 시간 기록
      3. “Save page” 클릭
    5. 선전선동물 확보
      • 명주/방원씨 사이에 있는 책상 옆에 있음
      • 구역 별로 최소한 20우리말/5개 스페인어/5개 영어의 전단지 (포스터 말고) 준비. 뿌릴 필요는 없으나 포스터 붙이는 도중 누가 이를 요청할 경우 주면 됨
    6. 포스터 붙이기
      • 클립 보드를 준비하여 다음을 기록
        1. 언어별로 몇개 붙엿는지, 전단지 몇개 뿌렸는지
        2. 행사 끝난 후 포스터 떼어줄것을 요청한 비즈니스 주소와 이름
      • 비즈니스 복합건물을 할 것. 다른 구역과 교차하는 교차로일 경우 (예: 8th & Western 등) 2개마다 1개 구역에 포스터 붙일 것
    7. 보고
      • 언어별로 몇개 붙엿는지 웹에 자신의 이름 옆에 기록할것
      • 포스터 제거 요청한 비즈니스 주소와 이름 여기다 기록
      • 남은 선전선동물은 stock 으로 되돌릴 것

    Thur 3/16

    • Poster & Flyer Drop-Off: Irene 11:30am-12:00pm
    • Poster & Flyer Pickup: Shannon 1:30-2:00pm
    • KIWA Korean History Group: Yongho – Outcome: 8 Flyers (5K 2E 1S), 3 Posters (2K 1S)

    Fri 3/17

    • Wilshire Bl, North Side (Hobart-Vermont) : Sehwan 15:00-17:00
    • Wilshire Bl, South Side (Hobart-Vermont) : Sehwan 15:00-17:00 visited 10 office buildings, 0 posters

    Sat 3/18

    • BRU Mtg/Anti-War Rally: Yongho 11:00am-3:00pm. Outcome: 30 E/S flyers
    • Glendale: Shannon

    Sun 3/19

    • Church: Yongho 25 K flyers, 1 EP 1KP

    Mon 3/20

    • Wilshire Bl, North Side, Wilton-Hobart YK 2:00-3:15pm
    • Wilshire Bl, North Side, Hobart-Vermont : YK 3:15-4:00pm
    • Wilshire Bl, South Side, Western-Wilton YK 4:00-4:30pm
      outcome: Flyers: 27 E/K, 6 S/E, Posters: 12K
    • Wilshire Bl, North Side, Wilton-Western: SH 2:00-2:15pm
    • Wilshire Bl, South Side, Western-Vermont : SH 2:15-4:00pm
      outcome: posters : (6K), flyers : (6k-e, 6k)
    • Western Ave, East Side (Beverly-Wilshire): SP & SH 5:45-7:15pm
    • Western Ave, West Side (Beverly-Wilshire): SP & SH 5:45-7:15pm
      outcome: 30-40 poster
    • Olympic Ave, Western-Irolo, North Side: JC & TY 5:45-7:15pm
    • Olympic Ave, Western-Irolo, South Side: JC & TY 5:45-7:15pm
      outcome: 40 posters
    • Olympic Ave, Irolo-Vermont, North Side: YM & MH 5:45-7:15pm
    • Olympic Ave, Irolo-Vermont, South Side: YM & MH 5:45-7:15pm
      outcome: Flyer: 11S, 14E, 30K. Poster: 9K, 1S (23 places, 3 bus stops, 13 hand outs)
    • Western Ave, Wilshire-Olympic, East Side: JC& TY
    • Western Ave, Wilshire-Olympic, West Side: JC & TY
    • Sunset and Alvarado: Shannon (2 Asian Markets)
      will do both flyering and postering
    • 8th St, Western-Normandie/Irolo, north & south:
    • 8th St, South Side, Irolo-Vermont:
    • Olympic Ave, North Side (Crenshaw-Western) YM
    • Olympic Ave, South Side (Crenshaw-Western) YM
    • Vermont Ave, East Side (Wilshire-Olympic)
    • Vermont Ave, West Side (Wilshire-Olympic)
    • Torrance/Gardena:
    • Cerritos/Norwalk: