Author: Yongho Kim

  • Keyboard Tray

    Keyboard Tray

    I remember around 12 years ago, I slowly started having more and more shoulder and back pain.

  • Nothing to do

    Nothing to do

    I was thinking last year that there was a bit of a personal journey for me in the turbulent progression of events that led to our mass departure from KRC two years ago. And that might have started in a protest march on January 19, 2019.



    I was talking with my parents about some difficulties at work last night, and dad brought up the question “what kinds of things do you like to do”, which led me to thinking about personality types – 20 years ago, back in college, the career counselor had me take the Myer-Briggs (MBTI) personality test. Back […]

  • Eating log

    I lost 30 pounds 2018-2021 through exercise, and 30 more pounds over the last 6 months, and talked with too many people who think I did some crazy diet regiment, so I’m documenting here what I ate over the first 4-months of the diet.

  • Video sobre redistricting

    Traducción Español La forma de gobierno en Estados Unidos es una república democrática. A través de las elecciones, “contratamos” a personas para que nos representen en los varios niveles de gobierno. Ellos trabajan por nosotros, desde los concejales hasta el congreso federal. La representación es esencial. Las personas debieran sentirse representadas, o al menos que […]

  • Extracting samples for CalScope study

    Extracting samples for CalScope study

    Documenting blood sample self-extraction for a CDPH coronavirus study.