Category: mini-blog

  • that moment when I think I clicked the…

    that moment when I think I clicked the gmail search box and start typing

    > from:blabla to:blabla filename:(doc OR docx)

    but turns out the click was off by a few pixels and the prompt was not in the search bar and instead a bunch of gmail in-browser keyboard shortcuts are triggered during the typing, and I’m not sure whether I accidentally marked innocent bystander emails as spam or trashed them


  • 1 After watching Game of Thrones The…

    1. After watching Game of Thrones “The Mountain” advertisements, I buy a SodaStream carbonator to get sparkling water at home
    2. i order a co2 replacement pickup-exchange service
    3. some middle eastern looking guy delivers it and asks for the replacement, which I had forgotten to place on time. (i’m actually unclear how it works – do i place the bottle outside the apartment room door? or outside the apartment by the sidewalk? the exchange program does not specify)
    4. apartment manager receives the package, and by middle eastern guy + small very heavy package + the guy rambles about needing the replacement => deduces the guy could be terrorist and the package be a bomb. Yes, in a delivery truck. Delivering bombs in a carton box. She sternly warns about its explosive potential to another person before passing the “bomb” to her to pass it on to me.
    5. This is so great. I love America.

  • i was like oh i need to…

    i was like “oh i need to pay today’s rent, i’m one day behind schedule (apt is pretty lenient)”, and cut out a check and was looking at my check records to see what the current rent amount was, and noticed i already paid the rent two weeks ago… -0-;

    did i just get $900 for free?

  • over the weekend i came across the youtube…

    over the weekend, i came across the youtube channel “classical musicians react to kpop” which was a very unique experience.. i had no idea that rap songs had chord progression!

    Because there *are* kpop songs of questionable quality, this channel seems to focus more on iconic pieces or songs that do have musically interesting attempts or high quality pieces. That’s how I came across Ailee, AKMU and Mamamoo.

    In particular I really enjoyed the jazzy touch and full volume singing in U&I of Ailee:

    I also get a vague impression of blackness performed in the song, especially with this visual sequence:

    I’m sop glad to have found this channel

  • After a few days of 15 hour workdays…

    After a few days of 15-hour workdays, we were all half brain dead. One of those encounters happened on the last day. I saw a black woman waving a Kenyan flag in the crowd, and I asked: Is that the flag of Zimbabwe? No, it’s Kenya’s. “Oh, Kenya! That’s where President Obama is from!”

    For some reason I really believed for a brief moment that he was born in Kenya. He was born in Kenya, right? Even Trump confirmed it. All those racists saying that you can’t be president if you are foreign born… uh wait..was I joking about birthers and then spaced out and fell into my own joke or was I lost from the beginning?

    In any case Kenyans must be pretty proud of this achievement. He’s the son of a Kenyan national? That’s as close as you can get to Kenya while still remaining eligible for public office!

    I don’t know how much Kenyans have claimed it, but if Obama was the child of a Korean person, there’s no way Koreans would have let that pass. Of course they would ignore him along the way, but the moment he’s elected everyone in Korea would open their windows and shout “All hail the Korean president of the USA!” and every interview wiith a celebrity instead of “Do you know Gangnam Style” would be “Do you know Barack Hussein Park?” – just like they have done with every drop Korean abroad who became famous, rich, or both.

  • A was assigned to comms without much discussion…

    A was assigned to comms without much discussion. For most of us I guess it was thought of as a smart talent allocation. Until sharing the clips with news outlets came up. For A, media corporations should not be allowed to profit off of independent artists, and a negotiation was required every time an outlet requested vroll from us. Seriously? The request was vague, so I managed to put it down to details, but of course no one wanted to deal with that, nor had the time for it. Windows of opportunity for ethnic media usually is 2-3 hours, while bigger studios could afford to do stuff a few days in advance. You need to arrange the interview, prep the speakers, exchange contact info and on top of that what? Negotiate payment arrangements?

    Just look how the CNN coverage came out. Comms couldn’t be bothered with the extra procedure, so they kept myself and A out of the loop. The inteview itself was a strange one. B was trying to elevate the discussion by going above the pre-staged frame of “omg this is so worrysome, so scary”, which is good but it came out strange in its execution. Specifically, to the inattentive viewer it could be someowhat unclear, offensive even, whether this smiling guy is just a political commentator with a twisted sense of empathy, or someone in the movement with an unusual way of viewing things. “They will show the WH protest, that should clear things up”, I think. The MC mentions it briefly, which is better but often not enough. Then the v-roll moves to.. latinos protesting in major cities across the US. Excellent. We just made it harder to tell whether Asians have been part of the movement or whether there was some random Asian pundit on screen. Because we didn’t share our vrolls. Because fuck media corporations, right? We really showed them.

    What a waste of everyone’s efforts.

    I never want to see someone like A fulfilling the primary cameraperson role for us again. I’m going to draft rights waiver agreements for camera and video volunteers for future events.