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Category: mini-blog
I have zero problem with agents of shield…
I have zero problem with agents of shield throwing stones at 45th. I will take inspiration from where i can.
Huh weird The difficulties of a service+organizing organization…
Huh, weird. The difficulties of a service+organizing organization where the non-politicized public views the org as a good thing because of the serivce and is puzzled by its (“useless”) engagement in organizing, could be similar to (I imagine) challenges in more established unions where the union is nicely providing various workplace benefits from the employer to its members, but its nonpoliticized members have a hard time justifying the other side of the union – resources spent in political action and the broader union movement and organizing.
Why are Japanese and Koreans obsessed with blood…
Why are Japanese and Koreans obsessed with blood types?
In the years leading to World War 2, among western innovation Japan brought from Europe was eugenics, the idea that whites were superior to other races and that this was what led to the unparalleled industrial development and military domination of the west through the recent centuries. Japanese thinkers tinkered with it, and some if survives in the form of geodeterminism – many in Korea and Japan are still buying the “blacks and other third world peoples were lazy because they lived in the jungle where food (bananas) was plentiful, at your hand’s reach, but European northerners, specifically British and Germans had to work hard to survive, which led to the Protestant work ethic”. This thought appears unashamedly in popular “educational” quick reads or cartoons, newspaper editorials, and live in the folk lore – 20 to 40 year men share it over drinks as a “wisdom of life that those too politically correct are afraid to tell you”.
Ultimately however, eugenics put the Yellow Race below whites, so it didn’t serve the rapidly militarizing Japanese empire’s agenda. Blood type theory was Eugenics 2.0, a mainstream-friendly transformation. The basic premise goes: “because ABs can’t donate blood to any other group, they are selfish. Os can donate to everyone, so they are more generous.” Then A and B were each assigned the psychotic and hysteric types (not sure where that came from), and boom a plausible explanation of blood type linked to personality was born. Sure, if you bring up Nazi theory int public discourse it’s scandalous and wrong. But fake science that explains personality types, work colleage compatibility, romantic compatibility in a society that was still not quite convinced on what was exactly wrong with Hitler? A lasting, blockbuster ideological success.
It’s not an innocent East Asian eccentricism. When Nazism has his ideological revival in East Asia, we’ll look into its roots and I bet somewhere somehow we are going to find the blood personality type theory among the sources of poison. So keep brewing it on, folks, like it’s some innocent fun curiosity. Hitler will be pleased.
ugh i hate when people share documents in…
ugh i hate when people share documents in PDF format only.
it’s the electronic equivalent of “for your eyes only. you can view it asnd print it, but don’t even think about using it anywhere else to help advance the goals of the organization, because I’ve ensured that every line will break and need to be manually put together when you copy & paste”
Second as Farce
After watching 15 episodes in, Designated Survivor is feeling like the comic repetition of the Trump administration. In some parts, there are parallel connections, and in some others, if we were to get inside Trump supporters’ minds, this is how they would imagine themselves – fighting the good fight to protect an embattled, post-apocalyptic America.
Plot spoilers ahead