Category: mini-blog

  • this whole it’s because of behavior x…

    this whole “it’s because of [behavior x] like yours that Trump won” rhetoric actually goes back a little. It follows a pattern of other similar conservative rhetoric. The most recent in my memory happened mid-campaign cycle, maybe early October? It went like this:

    A: Well this recent incident is very shameful because it’s not a democratic procedure.. blabla..
    B: America is not a Democracy!
    A: What?
    B: America is not a Democracy, dumbass. It’s a republic.

    The funny thing is that stating that the U.S. is a representative republic doesn’t refute the original argument being made. It does go just a tiny bit further into detail about government types and is a splashy way of appearing to break your opponent’s argument, (because “the U.S. state is a democracy” is easy to sell rhetoric) when in reality there’s no substance beyond the initial shock factor.

    I think there’s some similitude – maybe a simplified version? To the now classic conservative framework of first refuting the point by choosing words that anger progressives so much that leave them stupefied, but that at the same time energize the base, then moving to frame the issue as originally planned.

  • every time a scheduled event is near Computer…

    every time a scheduled event is near:

    • Computer Windows 10 pops up a reminder (via Windows Calendar)
    • If there is a open tab somewhere in one of the 9 desks that has Google Calendar open, it puts itself on the front and pops up the notice. When in this status, no other chrome window becomes clickable.
    • phone beeps

    Ideally the phone would know that I am nearby, make the beeping noise, and alert the desktop applications to not show further alerts.

  • while making the next dream show vid I…

    while making the next dream show vid, I was checking the URLs in the NILC fact sheet, and found a URL that was not working:‐pro‐bono‐legal‐service‐providers‐map

    after some googling, I found the correct link:

    what? they are exactly the same. What’s the difference?

    Putting them side by side on Notepad, I noticed the wrong URL was slightly longer, even though every character was the same.

    The difference in length started around “bono” – the dash was slightly longer.

    I think either MS Word or Acrobat converted the dash to a “better looking” longer special character dash, and the URL was no longer valid using that special dash character.

    Very nice.

    Thanks, Drumpf.

  • So when actually taking time to analyze the…


    So when actually taking time to analyze the KRC phone logs in the future:

    • Outgoing menu numbers only increased after May 2016, when we allocated several phones to show the menu/addon as the caller ID. (Not show what the previous ones are, and that bump in June 2016)
    • addons don’t seem to be counted
    • Wrong numbers and yongho cell phone usage dies after July 2015 – merge into regular LA
  • I was re watching Game of Thrones Season…


    I was re-watching Game of Thrones Season 1 and was blown away at how every line actually threads further into the plot, and every character referenced in passing actually have some purpose in being mentioned, or appear later. And it is all woven together gracefully – like when Arya starts practicing swordfight with Syrio Forell and Ned sees them and looks worried, and slowly fading in is the sound of battles, and he doesn’t have to say anything but it gives enough backdrop for the bloodspills to come.

    Or like the screenshot above, where I just now found out that the two people speaking at the bottom of the dungeon plotting to kill Ned (which somehow I didn’t notice in my first two passes of Season 1) are actually Illyrio and Varys! Didn’t Varys just go to Ned telling him that he trusted him and wanted to help? Ugh and now in Season 6 he’s helping Daenerys? Did Varys change his stance or did the balance of things change enough for Varys to think that assisting Daenerys was now the better choice?

  • Many of my peers now have multiple children…

    Many of my peers now have (multiple) children, and I’m unsure how socially acceptable it is to not be able to remember their children’s names (despite having seen/met them a couple times). Being the usual INTJ, I’m not really interested in their children, and I struggle to remember the parents’ names in the first place. So every time I meet them there’s the awkward.. “so.. uh.. how are the ‘babies’ doing? (hoping that there’s two, not one)”