Original plan:
3 hours
- plan 5 min
- outline 20 min
- old powerpoint review 15 min
- stats search 45 min
6:30 am
- diagrams search 10 min
- diagrams creation 30 min
- put together powerpoint 15 min
7:30 am
- talking points wrap 20 min
8:00 am
- breakfast
ants incident
old powerpoint: 5:50am
6:05 stats research
Immigrant rights presebntation
- KA community: population, voters, demographic deployment, issues: english,
sources: KRC 2010 survey, Korea Daily, Census (BRU research)
- KRC strategy: addressing community needs through service, education, advocacy, organizing, culture
- organizing groups
- major campaign based programs: immigrant rights, health acces, civic participation
- immigration data: undoc %, family separation
- immigrant rights: immigration reform, DREAM Act
- dream video (4 min)
- orange county as the focus of immigration and budget campaign: conservative politics, poc aPI, KA undoc
religion: 65% prot, 14% cath, 6% budd, 13% atheist
among prot: 64% presb, 11% methodist 7% baptist
11% immi because of education
84% US better edycatuib
30% hagwon
46% no health insurance (california 80%)
what to do for health? 53% cash, clinic 13%, just stand the pain 21%
interested in Korean politics: 36%
biggest issue chart
language ability by immigration
60% legalization & backlogs 2005 phone survey
80% legalization & backlogs 2006 exit poll w/APALC
7:00 diagrams