Category: status

  • Original plan: 3 hours – plan 5 min – ou…

    Original plan:
    3 hours

    • plan 5 min
    • outline 20 min
    • old powerpoint review 15 min


    • stats search 45 min

    6:30 am

    • diagrams search 10 min
    • diagrams creation 30 min
    • put together powerpoint 15 min

    7:30 am

    • talking points wrap 20 min

    8:00 am

    • breakfast

    ants incident
    old powerpoint: 5:50am
    6:05 stats research

    Immigrant rights presebntation

    • KA community: population, voters, demographic deployment, issues: english,

    sources: KRC 2010 survey, Korea Daily, Census (BRU research)

    • KRC strategy: addressing community needs through service, education, advocacy, organizing, culture
    • organizing groups
    • major campaign based programs: immigrant rights, health acces, civic participation
    • immigration data: undoc %, family separation
    • immigrant rights: immigration reform, DREAM Act
    • dream video (4 min)
    • orange county as the focus of immigration and budget campaign: conservative politics, poc aPI, KA undoc

    religion: 65% prot, 14% cath, 6% budd, 13% atheist
    among prot: 64% presb, 11% methodist 7% baptist

    11% immi because of education
    84% US better edycatuib
    30% hagwon

    46% no health insurance (california 80%)
    what to do for health? 53% cash, clinic 13%, just stand the pain 21%
    interested in Korean politics: 36%

    biggest issue chart
    language ability by immigration

    60% legalization & backlogs 2005 phone survey
    80% legalization & backlogs 2006 exit poll w/APALC


    7:00 diagrams

  • Considerations for house search (drafted…

    Considerations for house search (drafted 3.19.2010 7:17 pm)

    to check in the rooms

    • how trash works
    • can a computer setup avoid direct sunlight?
    • desk space
    • who will pay for A/C repair?
    • can guest park?
    • markets nearby?
  • Post Title

    1.6.2011 2:32am 꿈

    초등학교서 고앵이 빕
    고테영 초등학교 경비
    Waycj g oveR cats and rats
    Fove zatssox rats
    Hingry cats
    Two bowls milk
    Cwts take pver rat xage
    Rwo rats rin away

    2.18.2011 3:00 am 꿈

    1., bㄱr escrt
    두번째. 망설임. 커텐 엉성

    큰 미로 집. 엄마 자고 있으며서 영호야 헛소리

    ㅈ목: 에람, 게억하고 계십님가
    식민지의 기억
    이름영어로 바뀰때 왜곡되는

    두번째 칼럼 뭐더래…?

    ㅂㄱㄹ 이파리ㅏ로 필드. 겝ㄱㅇ미도 이프리키

  • I faxed a USPS support request on 9/14 h…

    I faxed a USPS support request on 9/14 and they warned me with “3-5 day turnaround”. ok fine, i’ll wait. after weeks of calling, i’m through with the specialist who wants me to send everything over again. that’s fine. just know that i sent it 3 weeks ago. maybe you meant 3-5 week turnaround?

  • Don't buy into this scheme. It's a sca…

    Don’t buy into this scheme. It’s a scam.

    Diego Thornton
    One President And Owner
    8721 Santa Monica B1, Suite 306 Los Angeles, CA 90069
    Korean Resource Center
    Yongho Kim, Civic Participation Coordinator
    900 S. Crenshaw BI.
    Los Angeles, CA 90019

    CORRESPONDENCE: 243465854

    Dear Yongho Kim,

    I am a developer with a project supported by the Los Angeles Housing Department and the City Counsel and the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Corporation for Supportive Housing for low income to facilitate economic integration of single people, couples and families in temporary or long term situation called “The Hundred’s”, consisting of an apartment building with basic compact units (sofa bed, kitchen counter, working desk, closet, toilet and shower) with windows and balcony at very low rent price, in an extremely good spectrum, allowing the occupants to resources themselves in a safe environment while reorganizing their lives for a stable or better future in your area.

    I need from you all information regarding your rent programs, I know you provide a certain amount of the rent for the people on the GR program, varying on each cases. If you can provide me more detailed information it would help us determine a realistic price range needed for existing cases.

    The second request I am asking is, the information on the number of single people on the program, just as the number of couples and families as well if you can, or even better if it is disclosed in your annual report I would be more than glade to review it.

    These informations are just to help determine the number of housing needed for single, couples and families which represent the three different categories of rooms and apartments dedicated to suite each personal case status of low income people.

    Thanks in advance.


    OM (Diego) Thornton
    8721 Santa Monica BI. Suite 306
    Los Angeles, CA 90069

    wix. com/dmt20 1 O/Cause 213~308-0193

  • i dreamt there were zombies attacking us…

    i dreamt there were zombies attacking us. it’s strange because this night i was well equipped, with both a heater running and the electric mat. so no cold air induced nightmares were supposed to pop up. well the zombies were attacking us, and at some point me and some other people had the role of a rescue team, so we smashed into the school office style room shooting guns, and killed some of the zombies. they were so fast, they were kind of like velociraptors from jurassic park. and slowly they morphed into them over time. there was a metallic cabinet on the right corner. it was semi-open. some of the team crew were approaching it, and i told them to hold off, and opened it from a distance by kicking the door. there was a strange saliva hanging inside the cabinet. then the zombiraptor dropped down from a space above that wasn’t visible from outside the cabinet, and assaulted a civilian to my left. i couldn’t shoot at it, as it was too close, and grabbed a hammer and hit the zombieraptor in the head while it was desecrating the civilian live. i managed to kill the zombieraptor but i think one of the last few blows also killed the civilian, as its head was right behind the zombieraptor’s hocico. then i woke up. phew, scary.