Next year plans

So, some things I want to pull together for next year just don’t work. This year I was lucky and managed to always leave large chunks of time to be used for my off-campus work study. Next year, I’ve got these two annoying major requirements that stick in the middle of the day – MWF for Fall, TR for Spring. If I just ignored the fact that off-campus work study need to be done during business hours, I could take these:

History of Antho Ideas MWF 10:50 Guneratne
Elem Portuguese MWF 3:30 + T 1:10 Sunderland
Anthro of Development TR 2:45 Dean
Medical Anthro W 7:00 Patten

Intermed Portuguese MWF 1:10 Guyer
Photography TR 8:50 Deutsch
Senior Seminar TR 1:00 Weatherford
Adv Medical Anthro TR 2:45 Patten

Nice professor combo, good transition. The only problem is that RCTA doesn’t open until 10:00 am, which means I cannot work before 1:00pm. Work hours should be between 10:00am and 5:00pm, or else I’ll have to pick a job tutoring spanish. I could push for a shift thursdays 10am to 2pm, but then that’s it. And then it’s just impossible for Spring. Accommodating a workable schedule would work like this:

History of Antho Ideas MWF 10:50 Guneratne
Intermed German MWF 1:10 + R 9:00 Huener
Anthro of Development TR 2:45 Dean
Medical Anthro W 7:00 Patten

German Media MWF 10:50 + W 7:00 Peters
Photography TR 8:50 Deutsch
Senior Seminar TR 1:00 Weatherford
Adv Medical Anthro TR 2:45 Patten

In which case I could get some TR around-lunch time for Fall and MWF afternoon time for Spring. But it’s still a stretch. Gah, if I had only been an anthro major from my sophomore year.


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