Author: Yongho Kim 김용호

  • Class Notes. movements. Introduction

    class notes, Freedom Movements
    January 24, 2005

    -SNVC (?)

    • we are reading M.L.King and N.Mandela, not because they are everything that their respective movements represented, but in order to get an initial idea of what the main body of texts “representative” in public discourse of the movements is about. That way it is possible to at least talk about some”thing” when directing criticism.
    • David Garrow legal research historian.
    • Anthony Marx. political scientist trained in Amherst
    • Clay Carson. SNIC. Curator of MLK in Struggle

    Krog TRC

    Frederickson: watch for structures & ideologies

    Screening of Mapantsula
    What makes black film?

    • Spike Lee argues the screenwriter, director, actors, need to be black, etc, etc
    • Mapantsula differs

    Added today: I still don’t get the difference.
    -bg: 1985 state of emergency in SA. the figure of totsi (another word for mapantsula, or the young gangster)

    • rapid urbanization after ww2. large scale forced migration of a male workforce. black worker towns. prime example: Soweto.

    -hustler, mapantsula outside the cities or the SA version of “ghettoes”
    -regarding the social formation of totsis: greater exposure to american-led mass culture -> the big trend of the times was the detectivesque film noir -> young people identify with it to express their anger
    -what goes on today is a different matter, where young people of color have started killing other people of color. some social scientists trace the roots back to the 1950’s totsis, whereas the two phenomena deserve differential treatment.
    -theoretical framework: infrapolitics. (Will Seidt, Weapons of the Weak – studies resistance in the Phillippines)

    • McDonalds, gangster realities of the 90’s: TUPAC, Dona Carey New York [I don’t get this reference] – role in american icons.
    • makers of mapantsula told distributors that they were maknig “just another gangsta movie”. when the movie was released, it was banned in south africa.

    Mapantsula notes
    knowledge -> black body

    on the syllabus
    “do the right thing” <- smiley character? malcolm & king not as opposites. instead nothing but a man. Mapantsula was filmed in 1988

  • RE: What Do Tags Mean? (Tim Bray)

    What Do Tags Mean? by Tim Bray

    I’m almost convinced that this new Technorati Tags thing is important, but I’m 100% convinced that I don’t understand where it’s going or what the implications are. Which is OK, because I suspect nobody else does either.

    my first impression was that it ressembled hit-or-miss’s weighted categories plugin at wordpress now i don’t know the business well but most likely this idea has been around a while. wouldn’t the technorati tags be just another way of representing a distribution of the [category] tag in rss2.0 feeds across the blogosphere?

    so there would be a given top x number of categories that technocrati would track down, and then they would be distributed by post quantity. simple huh? as for the undeterminedness of categories, that might be a problem if you deal with a small scale network, but if they do track every single blog (or most of it) as they claim they do, the top big categories should really narrow down to a few mouthfuls. after all, there aren’t that many words in the english language (?)

  • two places god writes

  • about

    this is technically a blog. a lot of its entries come from and

    also , a large number of spanish poems and short stories ( moved over from a former website or that was no longer maintainable. also, there are records i keep for work (confidential notes are password protected.) as well as school work that just needs a place to be stored while i run from the dorms to the library printer. all those things are in here. i also keep a personal email archive after crashing the last backup dump, mostly password protected.

    so this is a very random hodgepodge of things unrelated from one another except for the fact that i need them.

    there are some works from other people up here, and i clearly specified whom it belongs to. (it’s up to you to find out how to contact them for copyright permissions, since most of the time i don’t know) unlike my work, i make no licenses regarding text produced by other people. their text may be subject to fair use standards according to u.s. copyright law. google it. i keep their works here because i occassionaly need to print it.

    on the other hand, everything i write is for free, i wouldn’t mind putting it on the public domain except that i dislike commercial use, so the closest fully documented legal standard i found regarding distribution of texts was the creative commons license. all text produced by me at this blog is licensed by share alike and non-commercial use. i don’t care about attribution.

    oh, and yongho kim is my real name. i would love to write a bit about myself but these days i forgot how to do that with style. those who care don’t need to be reminded here, anyways.

    for the record, these are the identifiers i used in the past. note that none of these work now. in particular i use the yahoo email for spam control

    formerly used, and now discarded, identifiers:

    that should be it to get this started.

    identifiers currently in use:

  • AndrewSW develops custom RSS feeds per categories

    from AndreSW:
    Create your feed of my blog by choosing which categories of my blog you are interested in having in your own custom feed, and which categories you would rather not see at all.

    if only RSS could be delivered through mailing lists! *laugh* we could revolutionize content delivery for low-tech Adelante!’s members who don’t have their own computers. (e.g. there wouldn’t be a need for a separate CMS and mailing list server)

    he’s also working on a “feed comments to my own comments” so that conversations over the web can flow more.. continuously. conceptually similar to ‘s “replies board” [리플게시판] feature, but more to the core of the idea of following conversations.
