Author: Yongho Kim 김용호

  • [Laura Mills] Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf

    This text was produced by Laura Mills while the person was a student at Macalester. It was distributed for in-class review. Any use of this text necessitates you to contact the person directly for copyright purposes.


  • [Notes] Diversity Weekend Panel

    Ricardo Levins Morales
    Arrr! Arrrrr! Arrurrurru! Just wanted to wake you up.
    Diversopoids come out of their hibernation, and when it’s over the monopoids come back. Organizing is like seeds – best seeds not in poor soil. I want to look at the concept of communities in contrast to movements. Black panther movement. Lords of AIM. My favorite quote is “revolution will not be subsidized”. Prisons as measured. Employers wanted “Latinos”, not Chicanos/PR, meaning, they could be exploited in their undocumented status. Movements separate w/o solidarity. Look at fusion.

    Anguksuar (Richard LaFortune)
    Whole systems. Continue organizing. Ecology & anticoporate. GLBT native organizing. Hippie veggie co-op. (for-profit) Under reaganomics tax laws, small businesses were classified as non-profit. Language & HIV in native americans. learn from each other, diversity of intellect, thought. colonization continues today and not just native americans’ problem. private sector organizing is philantropy. not only cultural matrimony/patrimony but join & translate other systems.

    Toni Carter
    things of my heard. Langston Hughes poem. because of the history of living. no recognition. can organize in the corporate environment. find great fullfilment. children achieving. black wasn’t supposed to be good at jobs. if not right for SoC, not right for LIS, not right for SnS

    Lupe Serrano
    transformational change. all works together (issues). no english – no access in domestic violence. learn of latina needs.

    Sandra White Hawk
    identitites are not negotiable. politics doesn’t make up identity but politicians define us. power in oneself. ask yourself: 1. who am I? 2. where do I come from? 3. what am I doing? 4. where am I going? answers for white too.

    Karin Aguilar San Juan
    11 years in boston as organizer. second generation filipino & lesbian feminist. Gracely Boggs stay in a place long enough. New research project – young people organizingagainst corporatization of schools, poisoning of environment, etc. Youth organizing in Twin Cities is new. (not related with antiracism)

    Perry – community/movements – can you elaborate?
    Ricardo LM: sense of movement, now out of it. bringing in people from the community. Issues have connections
    Toni C:
    Lupe S: latinos are agents of change and beneficiaries
    Richard LF: movement AND relationships

    Brooke: reciprocity:
    Sandra WH: space and take it to other colleges:
    Toni C: 651-331-1243

  • Re: Charters for Tuesday

    Dear SSC Chair,

    I suggest the following adaptations for the proposed charters. Maybe the organization contacts can get this arranged with the SSC before the LB meeting?

    Mac DDRtists

    IV. Suggest eliminating this article. There seems to be no point in declaring an advisor whose responsibilities and selection are defined by the co-presidents. This should be an internal position.
    V.c. Suggest replacing “three members” to a certain percentage, i.e. twenty percent. The concept of quorum does not fit a fixed number in a membership that may increase/decrease.
    V.d. Suggest replacing “three main officials” with “the co-presidents and the treasurer”, or otherwise define what the three main officials may be.
    VII.a. Suggest replacing “sixty percent” with “clear majority” since “a resounding ‘HOORAH!’” cannot be counted.
    VIII. Suggest eliminating this article. No more than a majority present seems to be needed to ratify the constitution
    IX. Suggest including a nominal Sunset clause.


    1. Strongly encourage separation of charter clauses using a number system. Discussion of the charter becomes blurry as it is hard to note what portion we will talk about.
    2. (MEAT) Given that DATE O TRON 5000 seems to be a machine equipment, shouldn’t there be an explanation as for whether this equipment will be procured from MCSG capital funds or as pro bono gift by members?
    3. Suggest eliminating the first untitled two paragraphs. The narratives provides no description of the actual organization. Should the text stay, I suggest moving it to a subsection titled “Statement of Purpose and Belief”, or “Original Sin”, for that matter.


    I. Suggest changing name to GeolClub. The hybrid “GeoClub” does not accurately reflect the nature of the organization since Geography Department is not included in GeoClub’s business. A future creation of a Geography Department club may create conflict of interests over name.
    VII.b. Suggest removing concept of “bank”. Unless the organization relies on pocket money from the Geology Department, such notion contradicts current FAC procedures

    Yongho Kim
    LB Social 2 rep

  • national rally to defend the national security law in south korea

    link: 국가보안법 사수국민대회 [national rally to defend the national security law in south korea]

    A coalition of 100,000 conservative and christian south koreans put up a mass rally in Seoul in October 4th. (Same day as the Minnesota Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Rally! Thank you for the support!)

    In the article (see link), suggested better demonstration strategies and published a video version of the rally with the Internationale superimposed on it.

  • Assignment 5: Domain Analysis

    Semantic relationship: strict inclusion
    Form: X is a kind of Y
    Cover term: occassion
    Included terms:

    • funeral
    • birthday
    • payback
    • thank you
    • sympathy
    • hospital stuff

    Semantic relationship: sequence
    Form: X is a step in Y
    Cover term: opening procedures
    Included terms:

    • open the back door
    • unset the alarm
    • put the cat down
    • turn the lights on
    • let the cat out of the channel
    • feed the cat
    • check my messages on the machine

    Sematinc relationship: strict inclusion
    Form: X is a kind of Y
    Cover term: arrangement
    Included terms:

    • vase arrangement
    • traditional arrangement

    Semantic relation: strict inclusion
    Form: X is a kind of Y
    Cover term: unclear
    Included terms:

    • designers (the creative people)
    • customer
    • wholesalers
    • clerks
    • drivers
    • owners

    Semantic relationship: means-end
    Form: X is a way to do Y
    Cover term: clients build relatioship with the designer

    • building a trust with your customers
    • getting you know your clientele

    Semantic relationship: spatial
    Form: X is a part of Y
    Cover term: store

    • front door
    • back door
    • executive offices
    • green house
    • garage
    • front office
    • design area
    • printer
    • cooler four
    • big cooler
    • little cooler
    • front store or sales area

    Semantic relationship: spatial
    Form: X is a part of Y
    Cover term: design area

    • Na’s bench
    • Marion’s bench
    • Sarah’s bench
    • jean’s bench
    • Jan’s bench
  • Assignment 4: Overhead transparency of first interview transcript

    diversity weekend committee does, is doing diversity weekend. So how do you go about doing it?… Or planning or…
    J: well.. every committee has its own structure but what tends to happen is, committees.. I mean subcommittees. Subcommittees. (uhuh) subcommittees meet outside of, together two or three people, sometimes more, sometimes lesss, there’s actually three or four people, sometimes more sometimes less, together – and they arrange all the details they have to do for the specific event that they have committed themselves to. Then on Sundays we get together and coordinators discuss, you know, broad structural things about the event, such as.. funding an organization, and vision, mission statement, but it’s all in contribution with what other people on the committee are saying. And we give different reports about how we’re doing. An important part of Diversity Weekend, too, is that we are also learning about one another, and getting to know about the types of interest that we have for each other, and that we personally have on our own, and there’s always space for socializing at the beginning and the end.
    Y: you said that.. during the meetings? Is that right? (uhuh) during the meetings, people will go over structural things, like the budget, and vision.. are there other kinds of structural.. how do you call these things, the budget, vision..
    J: I call them.. I call them.. organizational necessity? [laugh]
    Y: is that how everyone else in the diversity weekend committee call it? (I don’t think so) how do the rest of the people call it?
    J: they may call it.. no, I don’t think we have established a name for it..we actually just call it… structure, budget, funding, vision.. [laugh impregnated in tone] (uhuh) but I don’t know if there’s actually been.. a… umbrella term to cover all these things.
    Y: But when you think of it, you call it organizational necessities. (uhuh) so what other kinds of organizational necessities are there, there’s budget, vision, funding.. are there other kinds?
    J: I think a lot has to do with diplomatic relationships with other committees, (uhuh) …. Of course every one of the members has responsibility of keeping their members informed of what’s going on. And so that’s responsibility that’s dispersed, and not concentrated, the way some of these activities are. Although, actually, there’s been a lot of participation from non-coordinators. For example this friend of mine Yongho Kim, he umm, he’s organized much of the funding, even though he’s not the coordinator (uhuh) but has he’s visionary [laugh] (uhuh)
    Y: umm.. you said that some activities are coor.. dispersed, and some activities are concentrated, can you give me some examples of activities that are concentrated?
    J: uh.. yes.. yes. I think some of the activities that are.. or some responsibilities.. that would be my word. Responsibilities that have become more concentrated, happen to be relationships that occur between other organizations like Macalester Student Govenrment, and the Program Board, where they have assumed responsibility for being a liaison and representing diversity committee in those types of spaces. And that’s more concentrated [heavy breathing – stress?] and so I know that you know when there’s discussion going working on the theme, and the mission statement and the questions, we discussed them in a group but the people who actually went to write on the actual theme, were actually a group of two. Sometimes three. (uhuh) and they came together and then the entire committee would check it. And make sure that there was consensus on the vision.