
월별 지출 1107
방 200
음식 360 매일 12 (4.5.3)
버스 42 monthly pass
셀폰 50 xcingular
인터넷 30
헌금 20
십일조 405

초기 지출 2300
s/d 250
셀폰 s/d 550
노트북 650
인터넷 100
자전거 150

칠레 여행 600

월별 수입 4050
macmmuf 50 시간당 $25
SEIU? 4000 3500-4500
LCSC 600+방

초기 수입 1286
셀폰 s/d 500 xcingular
노트북 150 sony vaio sr17k
노트북 450 ibm thinkpad t21
웹 호스팅 186


“가계부”에 대한 2개의 응답

  1. HappyCow

    200 bucks only? that’s hella cheap~ =D

    finally got back to my real internet life and realized that you del.icio.us-ed my SEM image blog… i have better pictures for you to post =)

    hope everything is going well in LA~ maybe if you are still around by the time i go back home (mid-august) we can meet up! hopefully my parents will let me drive by then… =)

  2. hey hc! welcome back to Mongolia wiki!

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