Tag: tw

  • I dreamt that CGP Grey had published a…

    I dreamt that CGP Grey had published a paper book about.. how to work using computers, or something like that. I half woke up from that dream 1) trying to recall details from the book and 2) slowly realizing that CGP Grey in the dream is not me, and realized: “ok this is kinda funny, need to record this”. By the time I started typing this, I had forgotten a lot of details.

    I had the dream in a semi first-person view and over-the-head view, but the voices coming from this person was definitely CGP Grey. A hand was turning the pages of the book and reading some sections aloud. Here are some lines from the book:

    At first I wanted to call this book “The authority on computers” but my publisher changed it. Oh well.

    (pages in between)

    The old powers (duh):
    (icons of illustrator, indesign, photoshop with icon name underneath) Illustrator. InDesign. Photoshop.
    (plus sign)
    The new powers
    (icons of two other adobe applications.. can’t recall them now. with icon name underneath)

    Unfortunately there were no sights of a smartphone with Hello Internet being held, so I guess I missed my chance for the Hall of Fame.

  • Chaotic MTA Day pass policy

    Me: day pass please (inserts money)
    Driver 1: don’t confuse me just put the money!

    Me: (inserts bills)
    Driver 2: you need to tell me before!

    I’m sorry guys, get your shit together.

  • shopping for a 10"-11" laptop

    the market became too granular!

    what i need:

    • faster CPU than the stock Atom
    • Bluetooth

    what would be nice

    • ubuntu compatibility + some form of 3D accel (compiz)
    • fit in the 10″ netbook bag i bought a month ago+fit w/o bag in the front pocket of my backpack


    $370 eeepc 1015PEM-PU17
    $30 2GB DDR3
    $0 case
    cheap, fast CPU (atom dual core), new model, long battery (8-10 hours actual time) ubuntu works, not sure about standby mode. can’t recycle my eeepc’s 2GB DDR2. i don’t like the feeling of doing a tiny minor upgrade from the eeepc 901 which I purchased at a higher price 2 years ago. ii’s 10″

    $420 Aspire 1410 (the $320 deal is GONE!). US version of 1810T, almost same
    $15 bluetooth module
    $0 2GB DDR2 (from old eeepc 901)
    $20 case
    cheap, HDMI out, even faster CPU (Intel ULV), ubuntu tested. will the bluetooth mod work? will it get detected?

    $550 used Aspire 1810T (the $500 price is GONE!) European first version, 1410 equivalent
    $20 case
    if it’s used, will the HDD or batteries suffer? is a used laptop at $550 worth it these days? also released on early-mid 2009. may be hard to find parts if anything breaks

    $700 Aspire 1830T-3721
    (the 3927 model selling for $600 doesn’t have BT+$20 BT module)
    really good computer, at really high price. BT is not detected on ubuntu

    after the hard drive dies, (or if it turns out to be too slow), I plan on replacing the hard drive with a SSD. The cheapest one out there seems to be:
    +$110 60GB SSD OCZ Vertex 2
    I missed Crucial’s $64 64GB M225 SSD post thanksgiving sale :(

    Nice options out there:

  • I faxed a USPS support request on 9/14 h…

    I faxed a USPS support request on 9/14 http://bit.ly/cd5FU5 and they warned me with “3-5 day turnaround”. ok fine, i’ll wait. after weeks of calling, i’m through with the specialist who wants me to send everything over again. that’s fine. just know that i sent it 3 weeks ago. maybe you meant 3-5 week turnaround?

  • Don't buy into this scheme. It's a sca…

    Don’t buy into this scheme. It’s a scam.

    Diego Thornton
    One President And Owner
    8721 Santa Monica B1, Suite 306 Los Angeles, CA 90069
    Korean Resource Center
    Yongho Kim, Civic Participation Coordinator
    900 S. Crenshaw BI.
    Los Angeles, CA 90019

    CORRESPONDENCE: 243465854

    Dear Yongho Kim,

    I am a developer with a project supported by the Los Angeles Housing Department and the City Counsel and the Mayor of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Corporation for Supportive Housing for low income to facilitate economic integration of single people, couples and families in temporary or long term situation called “The Hundred’s”, consisting of an apartment building with basic compact units (sofa bed, kitchen counter, working desk, closet, toilet and shower) with windows and balcony at very low rent price, in an extremely good spectrum, allowing the occupants to resources themselves in a safe environment while reorganizing their lives for a stable or better future in your area.

    I need from you all information regarding your rent programs, I know you provide a certain amount of the rent for the people on the GR program, varying on each cases. If you can provide me more detailed information it would help us determine a realistic price range needed for existing cases.

    The second request I am asking is, the information on the number of single people on the program, just as the number of couples and families as well if you can, or even better if it is disclosed in your annual report I would be more than glade to review it.

    These informations are just to help determine the number of housing needed for single, couples and families which represent the three different categories of rooms and apartments dedicated to suite each personal case status of low income people.

    Thanks in advance.


    OM (Diego) Thornton
    8721 Santa Monica BI. Suite 306
    Los Angeles, CA 90069

    wix. com/dmt20 1 O/Cause 213~308-0193

  • #nptech #n2la ok folks, most online tool…

    #nptech #n2la ok folks, most online tools are designed to be self-teachable. if all those on-the-site pointers and #RTFM are insufficient and you need a “training” before moving a finger on an online tool, maybe you just aren’t smart enough.