señora ¿ha oído usted del sindicato de pasajeros…
- señora ¿ha oído usted del sindicato de pasajeros? (pamphlet)
- … pero esto está en inglés
- al otro lado está en castellano.
- where are you from?
- we are from the bus riders union
- no, i mean
- oh i grew up in chile. Was born in korea
- gee how do you guys speak spanish so well
- i went to a spanish speaking school, so that’s huge
- but still, i’m supposed to speak better because i look hispanic
- oh no! don’t listen to those latinos who around saying “i speak spanish so i’m more latino” they don’t have any politics, and think that little language will define who they are! they don’t even know where they come from! these are the people who support prop 200; and not even realize the war on iraq is the war on the kids and their moms. what defines you is your common resistance to imperialist, gendered and class based forms of domination!
- stuff in italics was added post-act for educational emphasis. 저게 대화 중에 자연스럽게 나올려면 순발력이 필요하고 그게 재능있는 조직가의 면모가 아닐까?
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